This is a fork of with many changes to simplify and support Mongoid.
The MongoidSphinx library implements an interface between MongoDB and Sphinx supporting Mongoid to automatically index objects in Sphinx. It tries to act as transparent as possible: Just an additional method in Mongoid and some Sphinx configuration are needed to get going.
MongoidSphinx needs gems Mongoid and Riddle as well as a running Sphinx and a MongoDB installation. Just add this to your Gemfile:
gem riddle
gem mongoid
gem mongoidsphinx, :require => 'mongoid_sphinx'
No additional configuraton is needed for interfacing with MongoDB: Setup is done when Mongoid is able to talk to the MongoDB server.
MongoidSphinx can now generate your configs and control indexer and searchd through rake tasks (many thanks to Pat Allen for his work on Thinking Sphinx here. Much of the code to make this happen is right out of TS). Here is a list of the available rake tasks:
mongoid_sphinx:configure # creates a configuration file in congif/{environment}.sphinx.conf
mongoid_sphinx:index # indexes your data
mongoid_sphinx:start # starts searchd
mongoid_sphinx:stop # stops searchd
mongoid_sphinx:restart # stops then start searchd
There are also some shortcuts you can use. See lib/mongoid_sphinx/tasks.rb for the full list.
Use method search_index to enable indexing of a model. You must provide a list of attribute keys.
A side effect of calling this method is, that MongoidSphinx overrides the default of letting MongoDB create new IDs: Sphinx only allows numeric IDs and MongoidSphinx forces new objects with the name of the class, a hyphen and an integer as ID (e.g. Post-38497238). Again: Only these objects are indexed due to internal restrictions of Sphinx.
class Post
include Mongoid::Sphinx
field :title
field :body
field :created_at, :type => 'DateTime'
field :comment_count, :type => 'Integer'
search_index(:fields => [:title, :body],
:attributes => [:created_at, :comment_count],
:options => {:stopwords => "#{Rails.root}/config/sphinx/stopwords.txt"})
You must also create a config/sphinx.yml file with the host and port of your sphinxd process like so:
address: localhost
port: 3312
address: localhost
port: 3312
address: localhost
port: 3312
An additional instance method search is added for each
search indexed model. This method takes a Sphinx query like
foo @title bar
, runs it within the context of the current class and returns
an Array of matching MongoDB documents.
=> [...]
post ='this is @title post').first
=> "First Post"
=> Post
Additional options :match_mode, :limit and :max_matches can be provided to customize the behavior of Riddle. Option :raw can be set to true to do no lookup of the document IDs but return the raw IDs instead.
Sample:'my post', :limit => 100)
You can also specify filters based on attributes. Here is the format:
post ='first', :with => {:created_at =>})
post ='first', :without => {:created_at =>})
post ='first', :with => {:comment_count => [5,6]})
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