
Gatsby theme MDX


Gatsby theme that let you create pages from .mdx files inside the pages directory


Checkout how I built this theme here

Building gatsby-theme-mdx - Part 1

Building gatsby-theme-mdx - Part 2


  • Install the theme
npm i --save @horacioh/gatsby-theme-mdx
# or
yarn add @horacioh/gatsby-theme-mdx
  • Add the theme to yout gatsby-config.js files
# gatsby-config.js

module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
    // ...
      resolve: `@horacioh/gatsby-theme-mdx`,
      options: {
        syntaxHighlight: true // (default: true) add/remove syntax highlight with `gatsby-remark-prismjs`
  • Create .mdx files on your src/pages folder and you are all set.
// pages/index.mdx

# Hello MDX page

This theme includes

  • gatsby-plugin-mdx: to transform .mdx files to pages. docs
  • gatsby-remark-prismjs: to style codeblocks properly. docs
  • gatsby-plugin-theme-ui: base & extensable styles for theme components. docs

Issues & feedback

Any questions or feedback is welcome!. please if you don't understand something or need more documentation os some utility please file an issue or send me a tweet.

Happy Theming!!