
IBM Namespace Scope Operator

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

namespaceScope - Manage operator and operand authority across namespaces

This operator automates the extension of operator watch and service account permission scope to other namespaces in an openshift cluster, which is similar, but complementary to OperatorGroups that are available with Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM). By using the NamespaceScope operator with the Own Namespace OperatorGroup install mode, you can more easily manage the security domain of your Operators and the Operand namespaces.

The NamespaceScope operator runs in the namespace whose operator's WATCH_NAMESPACES and Roles/RoleBindings are to be extended to other namespaces (the Operand namespaces) as specified in a NamespaceScope CR. WATCH_NAMESPACES is an enviromental variable that the Operator SDK uses in conjunction with OLM ClusterServiceVersion deployment to identify which namespaces to watch. OLM will inject the namespaces into an annotation into the Operator's Deployment resource and then use the downward API to pass those values into the WATCH_NAMESPACES environment variable. To avoid conflicts with OLM, the NamespaceScope operator instead stores the watched namespace list in a user-configurable ConfigMap and the Deployment instead mounts this ConfigMap as an environment variable.

A sample CR is below:

apiVersion: operator.ibm.com/v1
kind: NamespaceScope
  name: common-service
  # Namespaces that are part of this scope
  - cp4i
  - default

  # ConfigMap name that will contain the list of namespaces to be watched
  configmapName: namespace-scope

  # Restart pods with the following labels when the namespace list changes
    intent: projected
  # Automatically inject the configmap into the ClusterServiceVersion, overriding the OLM OperatorGroup membership for those operators that have
  # the nss.operator.ibm.com/managed-operators annotation defined.  This annotation is a comma-separate list of OLM operator package names that should
  # be honored.  This should include the package of itself and any dependent operators that cannot be annotated (e.g. third-party operators)
    enable: true
  • The namespaceMembers contains a list of other namespace in the cluster that:

    • should be watched by operators running in the current namespace
    • to which Roles and RoleBindings for ServiceAccounts in the current namespace should be authorized for ServiceAccounts in this namespace
  • The namespaceMembers list ALWAYS contains the current namespace whether specifically listed or not (it is implicit)

  • The configmapName identifies a ConfigMap that is created to contain a common-separated list of the namespaces to be watched in its namespaces key.

  • The restartLabels list specifies the labels for operator pods that are to be restarted when the namespace-scope list changes so they can reset their WATCH parameters. The default label is "intent=projected". All operator Pods that are configured as above should also be labelled so that the operator will auto-restart them the configmap changes the list of namespaces to watch. An example of this label is below.

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: secretman
      replicas: 1
          name: secretman
            name: secretman
            intent: projected
  • The csvInjector (default is false / disabled) automatically modifies any ClusterServiceVersion that appears in the current namespace with the nss.operator.ibm.com/managed-operators annotation to consume the NamespaceScope operator's ConfigMap specified by configmapName instead of the traditional downward API syntax scaffolded by the Operator SDK, allowing uninstrumented Operators to read the NamespaceScope watch namespaces.

The following is an example of what is added and overridden in all ClusterServiceVersion resources in the namespace:

# This annotation must be added to the CSV for injection to occur.  Include THIS operator package and any dependant packages.
    nss.operator.ibm.com/managed-operators: "my-operator1,my-thirdparty-operator"
# This is injected
        name: namespace-scope
        key: namespaces

How does it work

Namespace Scope Operator runs in ibm-common-services namespace with namespace admin permission.

When the NamespaceScope CR is created/updated, it will:

  1. Create role/rolebinding with service accounts from the pods who have label selector restartLabels

    apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
    kind: Role
      name: namespacescope-managed-role-from-NS-CR
      namespace: FROM_namespaceMembers
    - apiGroups:
      - "*"
      - "*"
      - create
      - delete
      - get
      - list
      - patch
      - update
      - watch
      - deletecollection
    - apiGroups:
      - rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      - roles
      - escalate
      - bind
    kind: RoleBinding
    apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
      name: namespacescope-managed-role-from-NS-CR
      namespace: FROM_namespaceMembers
    - kind: ServiceAccount
      name: GET_FROM_PODS_WHO_HAVE_restartLabels
      namespace: ibm-common-services
      kind: Role
      name: namespacescope-managed-role-from-NS-CR
      apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
  2. Generate a ConfigMap with key namespaces and value is the comma separated namespaceMembers

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: namespace-scope
      namespace: ibm-common-services
      namespaces: default,cp4i
  3. Restart the pods with label selector restartLabels

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: secretman
      replicas: 1
          name: secretman
            name: secretman
            intent: projected

How to manually deploy the NamespaceScope Operator

NOTE: This operator is part of the IBM Common Services and will be automatically installed. Following commands are only applicable when you want to deploy it without IBM Common Services.

In this example, the my-operators namespace is the namespace that will contain your OLM-Deployed operators:

git clone https://github.com/IBM/ibm-namespace-scope-operator.git
cd ibm-namespace-scope-operator

oc create ns my-operators

oc apply -f deploy/operator.ibm.com_namespacescopes.yaml
oc -n my-operators apply -f deploy/service_account.yaml
oc -n my-operators apply -f deploy/role.yaml
oc -n my-operators apply -f deploy/role_binding.yaml
oc -n my-operators apply -f deploy/operator.yaml

Once the Operator is deployed, create a NamespaceScope custom resource (CR) in the Operators namespace to watch other Operand namespaces:

oc create ns my-operand-tenant1
oc create ns my-operand-tenant2

cat <<EOF | oc apply -n my-operators -f -
apiVersion: operator.ibm.com/v1
kind: NamespaceScope
  name: my-operator
  # Namespaces that are part of this scope
  - my-operand-tenant1
  - my-operand-tenant1

  # ConfigMap name that will contain the list of namespaces to be watched
  configmapName: namespace-scope

  # Restart pods with the following labels when the namespace list changes
    intent: projected

  # Automatically inject the configmap into the ClusterServiceVersion, overriding the OLM OperatorGroup membership for those operators that have
  # the nss.operator.ibm.com/managed-operators annotation defined.  This annotation is a comma-separate list of OLM operator package names that should
  # be honored.  This should include the package of itself and any dependent operators that cannot be annotated (e.g. third-party operators)
    enable: true


Authorization and Permissions

The authorize-namespace.sh script in the scripts/ directory is used to set up roles and binding in a target namespace.

The syntax for the command is below:

authorize-namespace.sh - Authorize a namespace to be manageable from another namespace through the NamespaceScope operator

authorize-namespace.sh [namespace | default current namespace] [-to namespacename | default ibm-common-services] [-delete]
  namespace : is the name of the namespace you wish to authorize.  This namespace MUST exist
              by default the current namespace is assumed
  tonamespace : is the name of the namespace that you want to authorize to manage artifacts in this namespace.
                This namespace MUST exist.  The default is ibm-common-services.
                The NamespaceScope CR MUST be define in this namespace with the name namespacescope.
  -delete : Removes the ability for the tonamespace to manage artifacts in the namespace.

For example, if you want to grant the namespace scope permission of common-service to the service account in ibm-common-services namespace, you can use the following command

scripts/authorize-namespace.sh common-service

if you want to revoke this namespace scope permission, you can use the following command

scripts/authorize-namespace.sh common-service -delete

NOTE: You must have cluster administrator access permissions to execute the command.