
Artcodes Cordova Plugin

Primary LanguageObjective-C

Artcodes Scanner Cordova Plugin

A simple plugin to scan Artcodes.


Install the plugin

$ cordova plugin add https://github.com/horizon-institute/artcodes-cordova.git --save


$ ionic plugin add https://github.com/horizon-institute/artcodes-cordova.git

Note: In iOS 10+ the user is asked for permission to use the camera the first time it is assessed. You can add a custom description for why you're using the camera that appears in the dialog box:

$ cordova plugin add https://github.com/horizon-institute/artcodes-cordova.git --variable IOS_CAMERA_DESC_STRING="We use the camera to scan Artcodes." --save

To use:

function yourFunction() {
		{ name: "Scan screen title", actions: [{ codes: ["1:1:3:3:4"] }, { codes: ["1:1:2:4:4"] }] }, 
		function (code) { alert(code); }

// like most plugins, Artcodes.scan(...) can only be called sometime after the deviceready event e.g.
document.addEventListener('deviceready', function () {
}, false);

iOS Specific Setup Steps

To get it running in iOS, the ArtcodesScanner and SwiftyJSON frameworks must both to added to the embedded frameworks.

  • Open platforms/ios/<projectname>.xcodeproj in Xcode
  • In the tree on the left, select the root node, with the project name
  • In the general tab, scroll down to 'Embedded Binaries'
  • Using the +, add ArtcodesScanner.framework and SwiftyJSON.framework to Embedded Binaries.
  • If you're using Swift 2.X you need to switch the framework files, if you're not using any other Swift 2.X based code just use the default Swift 3 (note: Xcode 8.3+ only supports Swift 3+).
    • (Swift 2.X only step) Right click ArtcodesScanner.framework and select 'Show in Finder'.
    • (Swift 2.X only step) In Finder delete:
      • ArtcodesScanner.framework
      • SwiftyJSON.framework
    • (Swift 2.X only step) Rename:
      • ArtcodesScanner_swift2.frameworkArtcodesScanner.framework
      • SwiftyJSON_swift2.frameworkSwiftyJSON.framework.
  • In Xcode under 'Linked Frameworks and Libraries' remove duplicates and frameworks ending with _swift2.framework by selecting and using the - button (you can also delete those ending with _swift2.framework on the left hand menu under <projectname> → Frameworks)
  • You may also need to set the Build Setting 'Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries' to 'Yes'