
Ton library, based on TonKeeper api libraries

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


TonKit.Swift is a native(Swift) toolkit for TON network. it's based on TonKeeper libraries. It's implemented and used by Unstoppable Wallet, a multi-currency crypto wallet.

Core Features

  • Local storage of account data (TON, JETTONS balances and transactions)
  • Synchronization over HTTP/WebSocket
  • Watch accounts. Restore with any address



First you need to initialize an TonKit.Kit instance

import TonKit

//from TonSwift library
let address = try FriedlyAddress(string: "0x...")

let TonKit = try Kit.instance(
    type: .watch(address), 
    network: .mainnet, 
    walletId: "unique_wallet_id", 
    minLogLevel: .error

Starting and Stopping

TonKit.Kit instance requires to be started with start command. This start the process of synchronization with the blockchain state.



Swift Package Manager

Swift Package Manager is a dependency manager for Swift projects. You can install it with the following command:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/horizontalsystems/TonKit.Swift.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0"))


  • Xcode 10.0+
  • Swift 5.5+
  • iOS 15+

Example Project

All features of the library are used in example project located in iOS Example folder. It can be referred as a starting point for usage of the library.


The TonKit.Swift toolkit is open source and available under the terms of the MIT License.