
Access remote serial devices connected to Pico with Pi

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Ever need a serial port far away from your Raspberry Pi? Wish you could use WiFi to talk to a serial device without having to run a wire? This project is for you.


Pico-Pi connection

sudo npm install -g remote-serial-pico
remote-serial-pico install

Now a server is running on the Pi. If you plug in a Pico to the USB it will install the client code on the pico and make it a remote serial port.


It's that easy to setup a remote serial port. Each time you plug in a pico, it will be the next pico_N on the list.

If you haven't already installed npm:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install nodejs npm


Designed to facilitate communication between a remote device (such as a Raspberry Pi) and a device connected via serial to the Pico. It leverages TCP/IP networking to bridge data exchange between the Pico's serial interface and a networked environment. Extend this project using either the node-red-bridge or homebridge-tcp-smarthome.

Pico on-board LED status

  • LED blinks repeatedly during the WiFi connection process. Upon successful connection it turns off.
  • LED switches on again when connected to the TCP server.
  • LED blinks once upon receiving a command either from TCP server or a serially connected device.
  • LED turns off when disconnected from the TCP server.

Project Details

  • Curious about PtyServer?

    • Detects Pico clients upon receiving first packet with pico_{N}, and assigns separate pipes.
    • Sends data available in command pipe to the respective Pico and clears the pipe.
    • Writes data received from Pico into corresponding response pipe.
    • Deletes corresponding Pico pipes upon disconnection.
  • Wondering how plugging Pico into the Pi installs PicoSerialClient.py?

    • The udev rule (99-pico.rules) watches for Pico devices connecting to the Raspberry Pi.
    • When a Pico is connected, it triggers another script PicoScriptDeployer.py to run on Pi.
  • And what exactly does PicoScriptDeployer do?

    • It fetches wifi-ssid, password, IP, Pico-serial-id and updates the corresponding credentials on config.json. You can also manually update it.
    • Modifies PicoSerialClient.py with the credentials from config.json.
    • Renames and deploys PicoSerialClient.py as main.py for auto-execution on Pico restart.
    • Deploys PicoSerialClient.py to the most recently connected Pico only.
  • Wanna check out the commands log?

    tail -f /tmp/smart_home.log

Visual Overview


Special thanks to Medical Informatics Engineering for their support throughout the development of this project, especially to Doug Horner for his invaluable guidance.