
libFetLife is a PHP class implementing a simple API that can be used to interface with the social networking website FetLife.com.

Primary LanguagePHP

libFetLife - README

libFetLife is a PHP class implementing a simple API that can be used to interface with the social networking website FetLife.com.

System requirements

To run libFetLife, you need PHP version 5.3.6 or greater.

Getting started

To use libFetLife, include it in your project and instantiate a new FetLifeUser object:

// Load FetLife API.

// Log in as a user.
$FL = new FetLifeUser('username', 'password');
$FL->connection->setProxy('example.proxy.com:9050', CURLPROXY_SOCKS5); // Optional.
$FL->connection->setProxy('auto'); // or, set a new randomized proxy automatically.

// Print some basic information about the account you're using.
print $FL->id; // your user's numeric ID.

// Query FetLife for information about other users.
print $FL->getUserIdByNickname('JohnBaku'); // prints "1"
print $FL->getUserNicknameById(1254);       // prints "maymay"

// Object-oriented access to user info is available as FetLifeProfile objects.
$profile = $FL->getUserProfile(1);          // Profile with ID 1
$profile->nickname;                         // "JohnBaku"
$profile->isPayingAccount(); // true
// etc.

// Get a user's friends list as an array of FetLifeProfile objects.
$friends = $FL->getFriendsOf('maymay');
// A numeric FetLife user ID also works.
$friends = $FL->getFriendsOf(1254);
// If there are many pages, you can set a limit.
$friends_partial = $FL->getFriendsOf('maymay', 3); // Only first 3 pages.

// You can also fetch arrays of a user's FetLife data as objects this way.
$writings = $FL->getWritingsOf('JohnBaku'); // All of JohnBaku's Writings.
$pictures = $FL->getPicturesOf(1);          // All of JohnBaku's Pictures.
// If you want to fetch comments, you need to populate() the objects.
$writings_and_pictures = array_merge($writings, $pictures);
foreach ($writings_and_pictures as $item) {
    $item->comments;   // currently, returns an NULL
    $item->comments;   // now, returns an array of FetLifeComment objects.

// Numerous other functions also return arrays, with optional page limit.
$members = $FL->getMembersOfGroup(11708); // "Kink On Tap"
$kinksters = $FL->getKinkstersWithFetish(193); // "Corsets"
$attendees = $FL->getKinkstersGoingToEvent(149379);
$maybes = $FL->getKinkstersMaybeGoingToEvent(149379, 2); // Only 2 pages.

// You can also fetch arrays of events.
$events = $FL->getUpcomingEventsInLocation('cities/5898'); // Get all events in Balitmore, MD.
// Or get just the first couple pages.
$events_partial = $FL->getUpcomingEventsInLocation('cities/5898', 2); // Only 2 pages.

//Works the same way as the two previous methods do but for people in a city
$local_kinksters = $FL->getKinkstersInLocation('cities/5898'); // Get all kinksters in Balitmore, MD.

// FetLifeEvent objects are instantiated from minimal data.
// To fill them out, call their populate() method.
$events[0]->populate(); // Flesh out data from first event fetched.
// RSVP lists take a while to fetch, but you can get them, too.
$events[1]->populate(2); // Fetch first 2 pages of RSVP responses.
$events[2]->populate(true); // Or fetch all pages of RSVP responses.

// Now we have access to some basic event data.
print $events[2]->getPermalink();
print $events[2]->venue_name;
print $events[2]->dress_code;
// etc...

// Attendee lists are arrays of FetLifeProfile objects, same as friends lists.
foreach ($events[2]->going as $profile) {
    print $profile->nickname; // FetLife names of people who RSVP'd "Going."
$i = 0;
$y = 0;
foreach ($events[2]->maybegoing as $profile) {
    if ('Switch' === $profile->role) { $i++; }
    if ('M' === $profile->gender) { $y++; }
print "There are $i Switches and $y male-identified people maybe going to {$events[2]->title}.";

// If you already know the event ID, you can just fetch that event.
$event = $FL->getEventById(151424);
// "Populate" behavior works the same way.
$event = $FL->getEventById(151424, true); // Get all availble event data.

Patches welcome.

Projects that use libFetLife

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