
Lambda Function to extract EXIF data from images uploaded to an S3 bucket and store it in DynamoDB.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Lambda Function to extract EXIF data from images uploaded to an S3 bucket and store it in DynamoDB.

Flow: [Image Uploaded To S3] -> [S3 Bucket] -> [Event Notification] -> [Lambda Function] -> [DynamoDB]

Deployment (Severless Application Repository)

Search for exif-metadata-extractor in the Serverless Application Repository and follow the instructions to deploy!

Deployment (Local)

Step 1: Clone the Repository Locally

This function is packaged with a SAM templated and deployed using SAM.

To build the function and required modules so that it can be deployed to Lambda run the following commands.

Step 2: Build

rm -rf extractor/build
pip install -r requirements.txt -t extractor/build/
cp extractor/*.py extractor/build/

To deploy the function, update the following commands as needed to replace <YOUR_S3_BUCKET_FOR_PACKAGING> with an S3 bucket in your account. This bucket is used by SAM for packaging artifacts. You'll also need to replace <S3_BUCKET_TO_CREATE_FOR_IMAGES> with then ame of the bucket you want to create as a destination for the images you upload.

Step 3: Package and Deploy

sam package \
    --template-file template.yaml \
    --output-template-file packaged.yaml \
    --s3-bucket <YOUR_S3_BUCKET_FOR_PACKAGING>

sam deploy \
    --template-file packaged.yaml \
    --stack-name exif-extrator \
    --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
    --parameter-overrides BucketName=<S3_BUCKET_TO_CREATE_FOR_IMAGES>