Hortonworks Community Gallery


  • Install Ruby
  • Install Sass (sudo gem install sass)
  • Install NPM
  • Install Grunt (npm install -g grunt-cli)


cd { project_home }
npm install
npm install grunt-contrib-sass --save-dev
grunt build

Adding Projects to the list

Edit the src/projects/projects.json file. Example contribution:

    "title": "Hadoop Sandbox ",
    "description": "Hortonworks Sandbox is the easiest way to get started with Enterprise Hadoop: a free single-node cluster in a virtual machine complete with step-by-step tutorials.",
    "cta_1_text": "Get Sandbox",
    "cta_1_url": "http://hortonworks.com/products/hortonworks-sandbox/",
    "cta_2_text": "",
    "cta_2_url": "",
    "repo_account": "",
    "repo_name": "",
    "categories": [{
        "name": "Featured"
    }, {
        "name": "General"
  • Categories drive which contributions will show up when clicked from the main nav
  • Categories should be listed in the same order as the navigation bar so that they display in the tile in the same order
  • Any category not listed in the navbar can be accessed/filtered by clicking on it in the tile
  • if 'cta_a_url' is a link to a github repository (ie. 'https://github.com/...') the script will grab additional repo data and attach it to the object
  • The rest are self-explanatory