Chat21 is the core of the open source live chat platform
With Chat21-ionic you can:
- Send a direct message to a user (one to one message)
- View the messages history
- The read receipts feature allows your users to see when a message has been sent, delivered and read
- Conversations list view with the last messages sent (like Whatsapp)
- With the Presense Manager you can view when a user is online or offline and the inactivity period
- Responsive design (desktop and mobile)
- View the user profile with fullname and email
- Login with email and password (Use firebase email and password authentication method )
- Signup with fullname, email, password and profile picture
- Contacts list view with fulltext search for fullname field
Visit to see a live demo of chat21-ionic.
In progress git
- Install nodejs:
- Install Ionic CLI:
npm install -g ionic
- Install Cordova :
npm install -g cordova@7.0.1
- A Firebase project. Create one free on
- "Chat21 Firebase cloud functions" installed. Instructions:
- Install the latest stable release. Check on Github page the last release under the Releases tab and then run
git clone --branch <LATEST-RELEASE-VERSION>
cd chat21-ionic
- Build running:
npm install
- Create a Firebase account
- Create a Firebase project in the Firebase console, if you don't already have one.
- Deploy Chat21 Firebase Cloud Functions as described here:
Configure the file environment.ts in src/environments folder:
export const environment = { supportMode: true, CHAT_SEND_BY_EMAIL_LINK: '<CHAT-TRANSCRIPT-URL>', FIREBASESTORAGE_BASE_URL_IMAGE: '', DASHBOARD_URL: '<YOUR-DASHBOARD-URL>/', URL_PROJECT_ID: '<YOUR-DASHBOARD-URL>/#/project/', production: false, remoteConfig: true, remoteConfigUrl: '/firebase-config.json', firebaseConfig: { apiKey: '123ABC..', authDomain: '', databaseURL: '', projectId: 'XYZ', storageBucket: '', messagingSenderId: '123456', chat21ApiUrl: '<YOUR_CHAT21_CLOUD_FUNCTION_FIREBASE_ENDPOINT>' } } };
(optional) Update app.module.ts file:
- open
and change tenant name
- open
Update app constants in
- open
and replace messagingSenderId: with < your messagingSenderId > More info here : - firebase-messaging-sw.js must be accessible in the root of the webapp, for example (
- After the build process, check the property gcm_sender_id of the manifest.json file. The correct value for firebase is:
"gcm_sender_id": "103953800507"
- Config Firebase auth In the Firebase Console open the Authentication section > SIGN IN METHOD tab you need to enable the Email/password Sign-in Provider and click SAVE. This will allow users to sign-in the Web app with their Email
- Now you will need to serve the app. Run:
ionic serve
in the terminal.
- Run:
cordova platform add browser@latest
- Run:
ionic cordova build browser
Copy the content of the directory platforms/browser/www to your WebServer public dir.
- Install the Firebase CLI. run:
npm install -g firebase-tools
- Run:
firebase login
(these steps can be avoided if you have already done before) - Change directories in the terminal to your desired project directory(run:
cd platforms/browser
) and run:firebase init
- select hosting (press Spacebar to select) and press return
- select your project and press return
- answer the following questions:
- "what do you want to use as your public directory?" www and press return
- "configure as a single-page app?" N and press return
- "file www/index.html alredy exists. Overwrite?" N and press return
- Run:
firebase deploy
- In your firebase consol click hosting and click on link your project More info here
- Run on simulator :
ionic cordova run android
- Run on device :
ionic cordova run android --device
- Run on simulator :
ionic cordova run ios
- Run on device :
ionic cordova run ios --device
To run Chat21-ionic on port 8080 run:
curl --output .env
nano .env #configure .env file properly
docker run -p 8080:80 --env-file .env chat21/chat21-ionic