
A documentation annotator to help software developers learn from one another

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



For developing Adamite, we use a Chrome Extensions boilerplate that helps you write modular and modern Javascript code, load CSS easily and automatically reload the browser on code changes.

This project is built with:

The project structure is heavily inspired by and adapted from https://github.com/samuelsimoes/chrome-extension-webpack-boilerplate, with additional support for React 16.13 features and Webpack 4.

Installing and Running


  1. Check if your Node.js version is >= 10.13.
  2. Clone this repository.
  3. Run npm install to install the dependencies.
  4. Run npm start
  5. Load your extension on Chrome following:
    1. Access chrome://extensions/
    2. Check Developer mode
    3. Click on Load unpacked extension
    4. Select the build folder.


All of the code is placed in the src folder.

The code is structured with an options page, Sidebar (which contains React components for each individual part of the Sidebar), a content scripts folder (for parts of the application that require access to the current webpage), and a background page (for connecting to the Firestore backend and connecting to ElasticSearch, along with managing Chrome runtime events).

Webpack auto-reload and HRM

This application uses webpack auto-reload so whenever you save a file that is not in the content script directory, the app will reload using the webpack development server. If you are modifying any of the content scripts, manually reload Adamite by clicking the "refresh" icon on the Chrome Extensions page.

If you want to run the development mode on another port, just specify the env var port like this:

$ PORT=6002 npm run start


Thanks, Michael Liu, for setting up this extension! Check him out. | Website