
Each lab focuses on a unique topic, letting you choose the skills you want to develop.


Each lab focuses on a unique topic, letting you choose the skills you want to develop.

✅Important AWS services every DevOps person should know

➡️Amazon VPC -> Virtual Private Cloud

➡️Amazon EC2 -> Virtual server in the cloud

➡️S3 -> Scalable and secure object storage

➡️Amazon RDS -> Relational Database Service {for SQL databases}

➡️AWS IAM -> Identity and Access Management

✅CI/CD Services

➡️CodeCommit -> Its like Github for AWS

➡️CodeBuild -> Fully managed build services

➡️CodeDeploy -> automated application Deployment System

➡️CodePipeline -> Continuous Integration and Delivery Services

✅Networking services

➡️Amazon VPC -> Aready mentioned in Fundamnetals

➡️Route 53 -> Scalable Domain Name System {DNS} service

✅Database Services

➡️RDS -> Database service for SQL databases

➡️DynamoDB -> Database service for NoSQL databases

➡️Elastic Cache -> in-memory data storage and cache service.

✅Infrastructure as Code Service

➡️CloudFormation -> automate infrastructure with code

✅Container Services

➡️ECR -> Elastic container Registry

➡️ECS -> Elastic Container Service => Fully managed container orchestration service

➡️EKS -> Elastic Kubernetes Service => Fully manages Kubernetes service

✅Monitoring Services

➡️CloudWatch -> monitoring service for AWS resources and applications

➡️CloudTrail -> governance and auditing of AWS account activities

✅Automation Services

➡️Lambda -> Serverless compute service to run code without managing server

➡️Systems Manager -> Unified way to view and control your infrastructure on AWS

➡️Elastic Beanstalk -> Deploy web apps without managing infrastructure

✅Security Services

➡️AWS KMS -> Key Management Service => encryption key creation and management

➡️Secrets Manager -> To store and manage passwords, API keys, etc