TodoMVC like app to try out technologies. In this version I tried Apollo Client in the frontend and a json-graphql-server as backend mock.
- add a bookmark and insert a title as description
- mark bookmark as un-/read with the checkbox on left hand side
- delete a bookmark by hovering over the item and then clicking on the trash icon on the right hand side
- go to the url of the bookmark by clicking on the item itself
- vite as modern version of Create React App
- optimistic UI for "mark as read/unread"
- updates UI before server responded
- this approach shows easily that it should be used with care: the list doesn't reorder itself! This is because the sort logic is only in the backend/server, not in frontend.
- clone repo
npm ci
- open two terminals and run
npm run dev
starts frontend servernpm run dev:server
starts fake backend