
Makes file imported by relative path overridable from within customization folder

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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Makes file imported by relative path overridable from within customization folder


This is for webpack 2.x, for webpack 1.x see this version.

npm install --save-dev customization-resolver-webpack-plugin

Usage with webpack

import path from 'path';
import CustomizationResolverPlugin from 'customization-resolver-webpack-plugin';

let dir_base = path.resolve(__dirname, '../');
let dir_customize = path.resolve(dir_base, '../../customizedSrc/');
let dir_src = path.resolve(dir_base, 'src/');

let webpackConfig = {
    // other webpack config stuff
    resolve: {
        modules: [
        plugins: [
            new CustomizationResolverPlugin({
                customizationDir: dir_customize,
                sourceDir: dir_src


  • sourceDir required String: absolute path to source directory, containing files which can be overriden
  • customizationDir required String: absolute path to customization directory, containing files which can override source files
  • excludePath String/RegEx: RegEx which matches path property of request object which should not be resolved, defaults to 'node_modules'
  • excludeRequest String/RegEx: RegEx which matches request property of request object which should not be resolved, defaults to 'node_modules'
  • jsFileExtension String: JS file extension (with dot) which gets added to file names without file extension, defaults to '.js'
  • isCompleteFileName String/RegEx: RegEx which matches request property of request object to identify filenames with a valid extension. E.g. /\.scss$/ to match SCSS files.

Run with debug output

Say you start your bundling process with webpack ./app.js. Use NODE_DEBUG=customization-resolver-webpack-plugin webpack ./app.js to see debug output of this plugin.
