Refresh tags file with jsctags
instead of ctags
when file changed.
Solution: Indexer plugin and ctags script of this repo. See blog post.
Problem: Show filesystem usage as gauge. See DucksFsSamplePicture.png
Script: see and execute it by hand or create a line at your crontab with crontab -e and add following:
@hourly bash /home/hoschi/bin/ /home YOURDASHBOARDID YOURAPIKEY >/dev/null
remove class name after renaming classes in IDEA:
Problem: 'handle as html'
Should be: 'handle as html'
sed -i 's/^\(\s*\)\S*\(log\)/\1\2/' server/src/main/groovy/**/*.groovy
Problem: Due to its slowness, inform me when task finished.
Script: Use provided notification script to scan log of task startup.
./notifyForText /home/user/repos/project/grails.log 'Server running. Browse to http' 'Slow server started ...' icon.png
This shows you a notification when the server started with your specified icon (optional).
Problem: Start new session in an existing session.
#! /bin/bash
Xephyr -ac -screen 1910x1140 -br -reset -terminate 2> /dev/null :1 &
export DISPLAY=:1.0
ssh -XfC -c blowfish localhost gnome-session
for in zsh:
for file in *.rar; unrar x ${file}
for file in *; do pwd; echo "this is a test ${file}"; done
for i in {1..5}; umount-$i;
How to generate file names:
- *
- Matches any string, including the null string.
- ?
- Matches any character.
- [...]
- Matches any of the enclosed characters. Ranges of characters can be specified by separating two characters by a -. A - or ] may be matched by including it as the first character in the list.
- [^...]
- [!...]
- Like [...], except that it matches any character which is not in the given set.
- <x-y>
- Matches any number in the range x to y, inclusive. If x is omitted, the number must be less than or equal to y. If y is omitted, the number must be greater than or equal to x. A pattern of the form <-> matches any number.
- ^x
- Matches anything except the pattern x.
- x|y
- Matches either x or y.
- x#
- Matches zero or more occurrences of the pattern x.
- x##
- Matches one or more occurrences of the pattern x.
Run command for every line, e.g. create one notification for each log output line
tail -n 0 -f /var/log/rsnapshot.log | xargs -L1 -d "\n" notify-send
Set permission only for files or folders.
find . -type f -exec chmod 0644 {} \;
find . -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} \;
Create screen session at startup automataically so you can always join it and never must create it. See and at this to your startup routine.
- ack-grep defaults to case sensitive search, use ack-grep -i to change this
- only search for files with special type "ack-grep --type-set=groovy=.groovy --type=groovy SEARCH ."
This script needs an git repository and a added file named "filing.json". You can achive this by:
mkdir filing
cd filing
git init
echo "backup" >
git add
git commit -m "init"
echo "foo bar" > filing.json
git add filing.json
git commit -m "add filing.json backup file"
B="branchInQuestion" bash -c 'git log --no-merges