I am a software engineer that have a fundamental knowledge in computer science , but now interesting in web development and some of aspects of DevOps
hossamMazro3's Following
- rdkcentral
- gopinavBuilder.io
- DrWaleedAYousefUniversity of Victoria, BC, Canada; Helwan University, Faculty of Computers and Information
- emad-elsaid@hellofresh
- MinaNagy99
- nodejs
- nodeschoolWorld Wide!
- tradelingDubai, UAE
- hnasrHussein Nasser
- sara53
- addyosmaniGoogle
- acantrilBrisbane
- ahmadalfy@RobustaStudio
- sweelamTamara UAE
- ahmedemad3
- nermeenwageh10
- Ahmedsafwat101Pixelogic Media
- ElmCompanyRiyadh, Saudi Arabia
- mhewedy@ElmCompany
- amrdb@activepieces
- a8m@ent and @ariga
- immortalmind2016Timeless
- yallacodecom
- freeCodeCampUnited States of America
- iamshaunjpNet Ninja
- jakearchibald
- Braineanear@dija-money
- kamranahmedseUnited Kingdom
- shalabyEgypt
- williamfisetGoogle
- muhammedessaCode for IRAQ