
A cmd chat app built on top of Ethereum's Whisper protocol

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This repository has been archived. For any communication regarding it, including the possibility of unarchiving or making updates to it, feel free to open an issue on archived-repos. I think the final state was that I couldn't get it to work somehow. But on the upside, I got accepted. Good people :))

Whisper CLI Chat

A cli chat app built on top of Ethereum's Whisper protocol

Still work in progress, including the README


Done as part of a hiring process, useful only to the extent that serves the hiring process.

This is a paid task. Starting with this job, I'm trying to follow a standard of making hiring-process tasks for money, even if not useful for the examiner. My time shouldn't be given for free.

Needless to say: were I in dire need of the job, I may have accepted doing the task for free or may have not asked. Even in less difficult situations, I may accept the task being free.

Installation instructions

Prerequisites: I'm assuming you're running a linux machine with docker installed. I also assume you're a bit comfortable with the commandline.

Still no main code written.

To run test code: from the project root, run: bin/test.sh


bin/test.sh Permission denied

Run chmod u+x bin/test.sh


Beside the libraries & tools used in code:

  • wait-on: for how to check for file existence & port listening.
  • wait-until: for the idea of taking interval and times instead of timeout. Much simpler to implement.
  • elkrem-ethdenver-submission: their start-geth script confirmed some chosen parameters & gave suggested values for others.