
R package of the useful functions created by myself.

Primary LanguageRMIT LicenseMIT


The R package includes useful functions created by hosscine.



All Functions

plot matrix

  • image2(X, col.rainbow = F, col.gray0 = F)
    • the new image function of more colorful, gridable and filling 0 valued cells to gray color.
  • databar(X, grid = T)
    • the microsoft excel liked databar plot.
  • plotLines(X, legend.locale = "topleft", ...)
    • plot matrix with regarding each rows as a line.

plotting support

  • setMargin(top.4 = 4, left.4 = 4, bottom.5 = 5, right.2 = 2)
    • set plot margine with default c(4, 4, 5, 2).
  • setMarginZero()
    • set plot margine to all zeros.
  • resetMfrow()
    • reset splitting of plot window by executing par(mfrow = c(1, 1)).
  • keywait()
    • replace of par(wait=T).

matrix and vector operation

for vector

  • runifN(n,min=1,max=10)
    • the runif function returns int value.
  • vnorm(x)
    • compute norm of vector.
  • order2(x, decreasing = F)
    • compute order with distinguish same orderd values.
  • euclidean(x, y)
    • compute euclidean distance.
  • angle(x, y)
    • compute angle between 2-dimensional vectors.

for matrix

  • rownorm(x)
    • compute norm of each rows of matrix.
  • rowMinus(X, a)
    • compute X - a for each rows.
  • rowTimes(X, a)
    • compute X * a for each rows.
  • replaceNA(X, replace = 0)
    • replace NA.
  • rank.matrix(X)
    • compute rank of all values of matrix.
  • order.col(X, decreasing = F, ignore0 = F)
    • compute order for each rows.
  • sort_col(X, decreasing = F, ignore0 = F)
    • compute sort for each rows.
  • padding.matrix(X, size = 1, replace = NULL)
    • expand size of matrix like 2d-kernel.
  • matlist(lst, nrow=length(lst), ncol=length(lst[[nrow]]), rname=names(lst), cname=names(lst[[nrow]]))
    • convert a list of vectors nested by lists to the matrix.


  • is.prob(x)
    • assert a value is probalistic or not.
  • is.range(x)
    • assert a 2d-vector indicates a range or not.

debug support

  • debugText(...)
    • the print function ables to multi arguments.
  • print.noattr(x, keeps = c('names', 'row.names', 'class', 'dim', 'dimnames'), ...)
    • print without unique attributes.

handling ellipsis ...

  • overwriteEllipsis(..., append = NULL, warn = T)
    • fix a value of ellipsis.
  • softwriteEllipsis(..., append = NULL, warn = F)
    • add a value to ellipsis if not a conflict occurs.

directory support

  • todaywd()
    • move to today directory. (default is "~/R/実験データ/YYYY_MM_DD")
  • is.todayDirectory()
    • check current is today directory.
  • subwd(name, current = F)
    • make sub directory into today directory.
  • savedDir(pass)
    • change default today directory.
  • savepng(name, current = F, scale = c(450, 500))
    • save plot to today directory.
  • savepngTitle(name, current = F, scale=c(450, 500))
    • save plot to today directory with main title.
  • saveEnvironment()
    • save global environment as anonymas file ".Rdata".
  • setwdProject()
    • set working directory to project directory
  • dir.create.deep()
    • create directory for nested path.

Rnotebook support

  • preparePrintify()
    • print Rnotebook html file with arranging code chuncks.

pipe operater

  • %.%
    • pipe without passing pipe before result to pipe after first argument.
  • %.T%
    • pipe by %.% with tee.

other utilities

  • saveEnvironment()
    • save .globalEnv without quitting R session.
  • setwdProject()
    • set working directory to default of Rstudio project.
  • eval_timer()
    • measure the elapsed time of evaluation and return the result.



