
Practics in the python course

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python Course Practical Exercises



  • calculator: Calculator
  • Triangle: Triangle
  • BMI: Calculate_BMI
  • Evaluation: Educational_Evaluation


  • SUM: Get numbers from users and print sum of numbers
  • Time to Second: Time to seconds
  • Second to Time: Secound to time
  • Student Scores: Get number of students, get the grade of each student and print average, highest and lowest grade
  • Dice: Simulation Dice using while and randint
  • Fibonacci: Get a number an append fibonacci series equal to number to list


  • HangMan: HangMan Game
  • random list: Random array with non-duplicate numbers
  • sort or not sort: Check that input array is sorted
  • Snake: Snake with N length and with '*' and '#' Characters


  • Checkered page: get 'm' , 'n' and print a Checkered m*n page
  • Is Factorial number or not: get a number and print is that factorial number or not
  • Multiplication table: get 'm' , 'n' and print a Multiplication m*n table
  • Quadratic Equation: get 'A' , 'B' , 'C' in Ax^2 + Bx + c = 0 and calculate 'x'
  • b m m: get two number and calculate gcd
  • k m m: get two number and calculate LCM
  • word counter: get a Sentence and count words


  • pascal triangle: pascal triangle in python
  • tic tac toe: a game in which two players seek in alternate turns to complete a row, a column, or a diagonal with either three O's or three X's drawn in the spaces of a grid of nine squares.
  • turtle painting: Draw a geometric shape using turtle


  • Store: Implementation of store project using List and Dictionary


  • translate: a program for word-for-word translation
  • voideo2voice: a program for convert video files to audio files by moviepy


  • make gif: Use imageio to create gifs from multiple images
  • Complex number: calculator for Complex number
  • Deduction calculator: calculator for Deduction
  • Diamond: crate a Diamond by *
  • Rock Paper Scissors: Rock Paper Scissors Game
  • clock calculator: calculator for Time


  • Deduction calculator Classical: a classical program for sum of two deduction - subtraction of two deduction - Multiplication of two deduction - division of two deduction
  • clock calculator Classical: a classical program for calculator for Time

Assignment10 - mini project

  • Screen Shot 1401-05-06 at 4 12 38 PM