Calculation Engine Backend.

first build docker image to run the application easily:

make build-docker

or if you are using windows and suffer from windows command line:

docker build -t cebackend . --no-cache

create .env file and fill it like the example env file

cp .env.example .env

then run the docker compose to setup the database and apply migration:

docker compose up -d
docker compose exec backend python migrate

and ofcourse create a super user to access the admin panel:

docker compose exec backend python createsuperuser

To analyze any activity data you need to have the co2e factors data in database first. you can load the factor data by admin panel or management command:

docker compose exec backend python load_factors uploads/CSV-Emission-Factors-and-Activity-Data-Emission-Factors.csv --replace

finally locate to http://localhost:8000 to access the app frontend

upload any activity data fist and then get the result by clicking on get emission data button