
Pack of helper methods to make your life easier when working with Kendo UI® framework.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Pack of helper methods to make your life easier when working with Kendo UI® framework.

##NuGet Package

PM> Install-Package Salar.kendoHelpers

This package will install kendoHelpers.js in /scripts/kendoHelpers.js

It is easy to use, just add the kendoHelper.js to your project/page and voila, you can now use it.

###How to use it:

// Get the grid
var grid = $('#SampleGrid').data('kendoGrid');

// Call your desired function
var dataItem = kendoHelpers.grid.getSelectedDataItem(grid);

// Manipulate the results
if (dataItem != null){
    // dataItem.MyId = ...

###Helpers list: Here is the list of all available helpers.

####General Available at kendoHelpers.*

  • enableControls (container, enable)

    Enables/Disables all the kendo controls in the container.

####Grid Available at kendoHelpers.grid.*

  • addRow (kendoGrid, editRow)

    Adds a new row , then switches to edit mode if specified.

    The result is DataItem of the new row if succeeded, otherwise null.

  • editRrow (kendoGrid, dataItem)

    Triggers edit mode for the specified dataItem.

  • getDataItemById (kendoGrid, id)

    Returns the dataItem found by Id.

    The result is DataItem if found, otherwise null.

  • getColumnDefinition (kendoGrid, fieldName)

    Gets the grid column definition.

    The result is Kendo column definition if found, otherwise null.

  • getSelectedDataItem (kendoGrid)

    Returns DataItem of the selected row. Selectable config is required.

    The result is DataItem if found, otherwise null.

  • getSelectedDataItemsList (kendoGrid)

    Returns the list of DataItems from the selected rows. Selectable config is required.

    The result is DataItem Array if found, otherwise null.

  • getSelectedDataItemByCurrentCell (kendoGrid)

    Returns DataItem of the current active cell. Selectable config is not required.

    The result is DataItem if found, otherwise null

  • selectNextCell (kendoGrid, cell, editCell, editRow)

    Selects the next cell of the current cell

  • selectCell (kendoGrid, cell, editCell, editRow)

    Selects and activates the current/specified cell of the grid.

  • selectCellByIndex (kendoGrid, colIndex, cell, editCell, editRow)

    Selects the next cell of the grid

  • refreshAndKeepEditing (kendoGrid, editTheCurrent)

    Refreshes the grid, keeps the cell in editing mode if there is any.

  • selectRowByUid (kendoGrid, rowUid)

    Activates and selects the specified row by Uid.

  • selectRowByIndex (kendoGrid, rowNumber, editRow, colIndex, editCell)

    Activates and selects the row by row number. Also selects the cell if requested

  • selectByCondition (kendoGrid, conditionFunc)

    Selects a row if provided function applies

  • selectCellByCondition (kendoGrid, conditionFunc, editCell)

    Activates a cell by provided function.

  • eventRowDoubleClick (kendoGrid, onDoubleClick)

    Double click event on rows for grid.

  • eventCellDoubleClick (kendoGrid, onDoubleClick)

    Double click event on cells for grid.

  • 🌟 saveGridAsExcel (kendoGrid, fileName, saveAllPages)

    Saves the grid data as an Excel file.

  • 🌟 saveGridAsPdf (kendoGrid, fileName, saveAllPages, options, authorName)

    Saves the grid data as a Pdf document.

  • forceResize (kendoGrid)

    Force resizing the grid. This is effective if the grids' height is 100%.

####TabStrip Available at kendoHelpers.tabstrip.*

  • displayLoading (tabstrip)

    Displays loading process on the tabStrip.

  • showHideTab (tabstrip, tabIndex, hide)

    Show/hide the specified tab.

####ListView Available at kendoHelpers.listview.*

  • selectRowByUid (kendoList, rowUid)

    Selects the specified row by Uid.

####TreeList Available at kendoHelpers.treelist.*

  • actionForSubItems (treeList, dataItem, action, onlyFirstLevel)

    Executes a callback for each sub item.

  • getColumnDefinition (treeList, fieldName)

    [Alias] Gets the treeList column definition.

    The result is Kendo column definition if found, otherwise null.

####TreeView Available at kendoHelpers.treeview.*

  • applyRightClickSelection (treeview, onRightClick)

    Makes treeview select the item on the right click

  • checkSubItems (node, check, checkSubItems)

    Checks the node and its sub items

  • getCheckedItems (treeview, uncheck)

    Returns the checked items if there is any.

    The result is DataItem Array if found, otherwise empty array.

  • reloadSelectedNode (treeview, childrenOnly)

    Reloads the selected node's parent in order to refresh the node itself.

####Upload Available at kendoHelpers.upload.*

  • hasAnyFileSelected (kendoUpload)

    Check if any file is selected.

    The result is boolean.

  • getUploadElements (kendoUpload)

    Retrieving the upload elements from the upload control.

    The result is Array of elements if found, otherwise null.

####Validator Available at kendoHelpers.validator.*

  • isValid (form)

    Triggers kendo validation for form and returns the status of form.

    The result is boolean.

  • hideMessages (form)

    Enables kendo validation for form then hides any visible message.

    The result is boolean.

####DataSource Available at kendoHelpers.datasource.*

  • findDataItemByUid (data, uid)

    Finds the dataItem by Uid.

  • findDataIndexByUid (data, uid)

    Finds the index of Uid.