Architecture Kata: Euro 2024 Ticketing System

Problem Statement

UEFA Euro 2024 is a major international football tournament that requires a robust and scalable ticketing system. The system must handle the end-to-end process of ticket sales, from initial registration and application to payment and delivery. It must support millions of users, ensure security and fairness, and provide a seamless user experience across various platforms.


Design high-level architecture for a ticketing system for UEFA Euro 2024 that meets the requirements

High-level requirements

1. User Registration and Authentication

  • Users must be able to self-register, authenticate, and manage their profiles.
  • Support for social media login (e.g., Facebook, Google) and two-factor authentication.

2. Ticket Application and Purchase

It should happen in 2 phases.

Phase 1: A lottery system for matches to ensure fairness
  • The users must be able to request tickets during specific application windows.
  • The users must chose fixture, and ticket category, and number of tickets.
  • The ysers can chose to accept ticket in different category than the one requested.
  • There are limitations of number of tickets that each user can request (each person 5 tickets).
  • After closing the phase 1 ticket requests, the systme must perform a lottery draw, to assign the 60% of available tickets to the users.
  • The users who win the lottery will be informed by system.
  • The users have a limited time (couple of days only) to pay for their tickets. - Multiple payment options (credit card, PayPal, bank transfer).
Phase 2: First come, first serve sales
  • Users can apply for tickets during specific application windows.
  • Real-time availability updates and seat selection.
  • The users have to pay for their tickets within a short period of time of ticket selection (minutes) to ensure fairness. - Multiple payment options (credit card, PayPal, bank transfer).

3. Ticket Management, back-office

  • adding fixtures
  • adding stadiums details
  • ticket details, categories and pricing

4. Ticket delivery

  • UEFA administrators will review and approve ticket assignments.
  • Digital ticket delivery via mobile app and email.
  • Integration with access control systems at venues.

5. Ticket Managemetn, users

  • Users can view, transfer, and resell their tickets.

Non-functional requirements

Scalability and Performance

  • Must be able to handle unexpected spikes in traffic.
  • Handle millions of concurrent users during peak times.
  • High availability and fault tolerance.
  • Efficient load balancing and resource management.


  • Protect user data and payment information.
  • Prevent fraud and unauthorized access.
  • Ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements (e.g. Compliance with GDPR and other relevant regulations).

User Interface

  • Responsive web application and mobile apps (iOS, Android).
  • User-friendly design.

Payment Gateway integration

  • Secure and reliable payment processing.
  • Support for multiple currencies.

Notification System

  • Email and SMS notifications for important updates (e.g. ticket confirmation, event reminders).

Analytics and Reporting

  • Real-time dashboards for monitoring system performance and sales.
  • Detailed reports for event organizers and stakeholders (e.g. sales report, unsold tickets, loss report, ...).


  • User journeys for the main stories
  • Architecture Characteristics
  • C1
  • C2
  • C3 (for complex containers)
  • ADRs for any decision