
WebP Support for Shopware

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

WebP Support for Shopware

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WebP Browser-Support

This plugin generates additional webp Thumbnails and uses is in various locations like detail, listing, emotion as preferred type using html5 picture tag. Browsers which does not support webp, will get normally jpg. After installation of the Plugin regenerating all thumbnails is required.


  • Shopware Version 5.3+
  • any webp encoder
    • php-gd with webp support
    • cwebp executable in PATH


Zip Installation package for the Shopware Plugin Manager

  • Download the latest plugin version (e.g. FroshWebP-1.0.0.zip)
  • Upload and install plugin using Plugin Manager

Git Version

  • Checkout Plugin in /custom/plugins/FroshWebP
  • Change to Directory and run composer install to install the dependencies
  • Install the Plugin with the Plugin Manager

Install with composer

  • Change to your root Installation of shopware
  • Run command composer require frosh/webp and install and active plugin with Plugin Manager

After Installation

  • Download google binaries if neccessary php bin/console frosh:webp:download-google-binaries
  • Generate all Thumbnails new with php bin/console sw:thumbnail:generate -f