Lightweight UPnP client library for Python.
$ pip install upnpy
Internet Gateway Device:
Get the external IP address of animport upnpy
upnp = upnpy.UPnP()
# Discover UPnP devices on the network
# Returns a list of devices e.g.: [Device <Broadcom ADSL Router>]
devices = upnp.discover()
# Select the IGD
# alternatively you can select the device directly from the list
# device = devices[0]
device = upnp.get_igd()
# Get the services available for this device
# Returns a list of services available for the device
# e.g.: [<Service (WANPPPConnection) id="WANPPPConnection.1">, ...]
# We can now access a specific service on the device by its ID
# The IDs for the services in this case contain illegal values so we can't access it by an attribute
# If the service ID didn't contain illegal values we could access it via an attribute like this:
# service = device.WANPPPConnection
# We will access it like a dictionary instead:
service = device['WANPPPConnection.1']
# Get the actions available for the service
# Returns a list of actions for the service:
# [<Action name="SetConnectionType">,
# <Action name="GetConnectionTypeInfo">,
# <Action name="RequestConnection">,
# <Action name="ForceTermination">,
# <Action name="GetStatusInfo">,
# <Action name="GetNATRSIPStatus">,
# <Action name="GetGenericPortMappingEntry">,
# <Action name="GetSpecificPortMappingEntry">,
# <Action name="AddPortMapping">,
# <Action name="DeletePortMapping">,
# <Action name="GetExternalIPAddress">]
# Finally, get the external IP address
# Execute the action by its name
# Returns a dictionary: {'NewExternalIPAddress': 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'}
Internet Gateway Device:
Add a new port mapping to animport upnpy
upnp = upnpy.UPnP()
# Discover UPnP devices on the network
# Returns a list of devices e.g.: [Device <Broadcom ADSL Router>]
devices = upnp.discover()
# Select the IGD
# alternatively you can select the device directly from the list
# device = devices[0]
device = upnp.get_igd()
# Get the services available for this device
# Returns a list of services available for the device
# e.g.: [<Service (WANPPPConnection) id="WANPPPConnection.1">, ...]
# We can now access a specific service on the device by its ID
# The IDs for the services in this case contain illegal values so we can't access it by an attribute
# If the service ID didn't contain illegal values we could access it via an attribute like this:
# service = device.WANPPPConnection
# We will access it like a dictionary instead:
service = device['WANPPPConnection.1']
# Get the actions available for the service
# Returns a list of actions for the service:
# [<Action name="SetConnectionType">,
# <Action name="GetConnectionTypeInfo">,
# <Action name="RequestConnection">,
# <Action name="ForceTermination">,
# <Action name="GetStatusInfo">,
# <Action name="GetNATRSIPStatus">,
# <Action name="GetGenericPortMappingEntry">,
# <Action name="GetSpecificPortMappingEntry">,
# <Action name="AddPortMapping">,
# <Action name="DeletePortMapping">,
# <Action name="GetExternalIPAddress">]
# The action we are looking for is the "AddPortMapping" action
# Lets see what arguments the action accepts
# Use the get_input_arguments() or get_output_arguments() method of the action
# for a list of input / output arguments.
# Example output of the get_input_arguments method for the "AddPortMapping" action
# Returns a dictionary:
# [
# {
# "name": "NewRemoteHost",
# "data_type": "string",
# "allowed_value_list": []
# },
# {
# "name": "NewExternalPort",
# "data_type": "ui2",
# "allowed_value_list": []
# },
# {
# "name": "NewProtocol",
# "data_type": "string",
# "allowed_value_list": [
# "TCP",
# "UDP"
# ]
# },
# {
# "name": "NewInternalPort",
# "data_type": "ui2",
# "allowed_value_list": []
# },
# {
# "name": "NewInternalClient",
# "data_type": "string",
# "allowed_value_list": []
# },
# {
# "name": "NewEnabled",
# "data_type": "boolean",
# "allowed_value_list": []
# },
# {
# "name": "NewPortMappingDescription",
# "data_type": "string",
# "allowed_value_list": []
# },
# {
# "name": "NewLeaseDuration",
# "data_type": "ui4",
# "allowed_value_list": []
# }
# ]
# Finally, add the new port mapping to the IGD
# This specific action returns an empty dict: {}
NewPortMappingDescription='Test port mapping entry from UPnPy.',
Documentation is available at https://upnpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.