ACME demo project

Used technologies

React, React Hook, Axios, Mock-Adapter, Sass, flex, react-perfect-scrollbar

Used tools

VS Code, Photoshop, Chrome dev tool

Additional features and technologies

  1. built understandable, succinct, and maintenable architecture.
  2. built modular and functional components using React Hooks.
  3. ensured performance resolving re-rendering issues in the project.
  4. used react-perfect-scrollbar for smooth scroll.
  5. used axios-mock-adapter to call API using axios to fetch provided data.
  6. implemented lazy load using Nprogress.
  7. built pixel-perfect and responsive web page, and wrote CSS components using Sass methodology especially the BEM styling method.

How to run this appliation

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App Create React App.

Please follow the directions.

  1. Download the zip file and extract it.

  2. In the project directory, you can run:

    npm install

  3. And also run:

    npm start

  4. If the console shows success message, then open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
