Android-Rate is a library to help you promote your android app by prompting users to rate the app after using it for a few days.
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- 0
Set random install days
#162 opened by Lunylo - 0
- 0
Huawei ( appGallery ) not supported
#159 opened by MoaazElneshawy - 0
Need More App Store URLs
#158 opened by Anti-God - 0
Setting a custom view doesn't remove default
#156 opened by PatelVatsalB21 - 0
- 0
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On Click Rate Us Button Playstore Item not Found
#145 opened by abdulmanum - 1
How to check that a user has already rated?
#151 opened by narekyan - 1
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change buttons color?
#92 opened by americosfacebook - 4
Custom dialog
#118 opened - 5
dialog window custom color and buttons colors
#130 opened by robertelo - 2
issue with wait(long millis)
#147 opened by aneta9 - 0
- 7
App has stoped
#135 opened by TheOneMonkey - 6
Dialog not using app custom theme
#109 opened by paddykily - 4
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onClickButton() callback may not happen always
#115 opened by rpattabi - 1
Fix the GIF in the README
#117 opened by jaredsburrows - 2
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If the user was gave a rating after that no need to show the dialog after certain period .permanently disable that.How we can handle this?
#127 opened by arunrajgm - 4
shows error page when user presses on RateNow
#136 opened by TheOneMonkey - 1
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A memory leak occurs when the screen rotates
#128 opened by taka-me - 4
Customize the store navigation
#124 opened by KevinYaoooooo - 3
setOnClickButtonListener on all buttons
#116 opened by AJacovchak - 3
Button are invisible in Android 7.0
#123 opened by nirajbrn - 1
Against dialog guidelines
#133 opened by hendrawd - 1
Button not visible on smaller screens
#114 opened by connyduck - 2
If setRemindInterval is set to 25 or more, the number of days is not set correctly
#138 opened by yuna-yano - 3
setRemindInterval takes only time
#104 opened by phajduk - 2
Dialog button text color
#112 opened by gregacucnik - 1
Crash when PlayMarket is not installed
#119 opened by zyvpeople - 2
setDialogStyle shows "Cannot resolve symbol"
#107 opened by shireen028 - 1
Constants for the click button
#105 opened by josinaldobarbosa - 4
Runtime Exception: You need to use a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant) with this activity
#99 opened by namannik - 2
App Crash : in Lolipop
#98 opened by GauravCreed - 1
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File size increased
#96 opened by ashishkumawat - 1
Change Theme
#93 opened by AbdulSamadQureshi-zz - 7
Leak memory found
#79 opened by CQBinh - 6
How to know which decision user taken? I want to change the AppRate settings at runtime.
#90 opened by sandrocsimas - 2
Is it possible to not show the NEVER button?
#88 opened by sandrocsimas - 1
Using 2 RateMe dialogs at same time?
#87 opened by sevar83 - 1
Crash reports
#75 opened by thinkpozzitive - 6
Add support for custom dialog texts
#76 opened by urgas9