Magento EC – Custom Features

Magento E-Commerce CE


This is a collection of small Magento CE modifications which are considered more or less 'hacks'. They are not written as clean modules. In some cases this might even be impossible to do. Use this code for inspiration or if time and budget is low and you just need to get things done.



  • Allow selecting static blocks in admin module configuration.
  • Add the user group 'not logged in' to select fields.
  • Readme »


  • Improved backend skin (CI and forms)
  • Large multiselect dropdowns (e.g. countries)
  • Highlight disabled modules in the admin panel.
  • Readme »


  • Added 'Refresh Statistics' menu item to the ACL list.
  • Readme »


  • Example configuration of how to redirect the store depending on the language.
  • Readme »