
Little Javascript DNS Server for resolve internet's hostname only

Primary LanguageJavaScript

 _____   __   _   _____     _____   _____   _____      _____   _   _   __   _  
|  _  \ |  \ | | /  ___/   |  ___| /  _  \ |  _  \    |  ___| | | | | |  \ | | 
| | | | |   \| | | |___    | |__   | | | | | |_| |    | |__   | | | | |   \| | 
| | | | | |\   | \___  \   |  __|  | | | | |  _  /    |  __|  | | | | | |\   | 
| |_| | | | \  |  ___| |   | |     | |_| | | | \ \    | |     | |_| | | | \  | 
|_____/ |_|  \_| /_____/   |_|     \_____/ |_|  \_\   |_|     \_____/ |_|  \_| 
                                                                version 0.1.12

Fun DNS server  build on top of Nodejs

How install
	Run $ sudo setup.sh
	$ wget -O /tmp/fun_dns.tar.gz https://github.com/downloads/badlee/fun-dns/fun_dns.v0.1.12.tar.gz
	$ sudo -s 
	$ mkdir /opt/fun_dns
	$ cd /opt/fun_dns
	$ tar xvf /tmp/fun_dns.tar.gz
	$ ln -s /opt/fun_dns/fun_dns.daemon /etc/init.d/fun_dns
	$ update-rc.d fun_dns defaults
	$ #Start service
	$ service fun_dns start

How define hostname
	edit 'config/conf.json',
	the syntaxe of this file respect json format
			"hostname1" : {
			"hostname2" : {
			"hostname3" : {
			"hostnameN" : {
	properties of a hostname
		"name" : {
			"ip" : "",
			"description" : "je suis le serveur web local",
			"autority" : "dns.{name},admin@{name}",
			"mail" : {
				"ip" : "",
				"name" : "mail.{name}",
				"priority" : 10
			"nameserver" : [{
				"ip" : "",
				"name" : "ns1.{name}"
	The hostname can have a short regex like syntaxe.
		*  : this expression respect ".*" in regex;
		%w : this expression respect "[a-zA-Z0-9_]+" in regex;
		%h : this expression respect "[a-fA-F0-9]+" in regex;
		%d : this expression respect "[0-9]+" in regex;

	sample conf.json :
			"server.web" : {
				"ip" : "",
				"nameserver" : [{
					"name" : "dns3.local.web"
					"ip" : "",
					"name" : "dns2.local.web"
					"ip" : "",
					"name" : "dns.local.web"
			"!*.lo" : {
				"ip" : "",
				"autority" : "dns.{name},admin@{name}",
				"nameserver" : [{
					"ip" : "",
					"name" : "dns.{name}"
					"ip" : "",
					"name" : "dns2.{name}"

Server confiurations(config/serv.ini)
	conf = configuration hostname file(if not defined is set to app://config/conf.json)
	host = your ip4 addresse to listen(if not defined listen all)
	port = port to listen(if not defined listen 53)
	Section nameserver = list of dns server used to found response when no response found on server(as a proxy, but it's eprouve the global performances)
		nameOfTheDnsServer1 = Ip_Address
		nameOfTheDnsServer2 = Ip_Address
		nameOfTheDnsServer3 = Ip_Address
	Section ttl = list of ttl in dns reponse (in secondes)
		ip  = ttl for any ip (A or AAAA) address (if not defined 77)
		ttl = ttl for any field different of ip (A or AAAA) (if not defined 600)
		refresh = time to refresh the zone (if not defined 1800)
		retry   = time to retry when refresh (above) has expired (if not defined 900)
		expiration = ttl for DNS response (if not defined 604800)

	sample serv.ini:
		conf = app://config/lab.json
		port = 53
		host =
		spf  = "v=spf1 +all"
		    ttl = 600
		    ip  = 77
		    google.dns.a =
		    google.dns.b =

Command line option
		fun_dns [options]
	---	-p|--port <value>  
			port to listen.
	---	-h|--host <value>  
			host to bind.
	---	-c|--conf <value>  
			configuration file(hostname).
	---	-s|--servConf <value>
			configuration file(server).
	---	-v|--version       
			Get the version of fun_dns
	---	-z|--zone <value>  
			Lookup a zoneWalk
	---	-l|--log <value>  
			path to log file