This app is created by hothero (Ronald Hsu). The goal is to make a reddit clone for carousell interview exercise.


There are development environment of this app:

  • Ruby 2.4.0
  • Rails 5.1.1
  • Vuejs 2.3.4

Post attributes: id, title, summary, url, img_url, created_at, vote_count

Basic features:

  • Maintain a list of topics and its upvotes/downvotes
  • Allow the user to submit topics. For this challenge, a “topic” is simply a string that does not exceed 255 characters.
  • Allow the user to upvote or downvote a topic. For this challenge, the user may upvote or downvote the same topic multiple times.
  • Always return a list of top 20 topics (sorted by upvotes, descending) on the homepage

Bonus features:

  • Clear data button: to clear the in-memory store in our server, and you can test other situations.
  • Random data button: randomly generate 10 fake posts by Faker.
  • Search: search posts by keyword you want
  • Every action is ajax-based and with two-way data binding, you can directly see the result.