
Project Description: A Calendar App where tasks can be add, edited or deleted for a particular date

Live Demo

How to use this:

This is the Frontend part of the Application, instructions from the Backend part has to be completed first; link to Backend Repository, follow the instructions given there and then come back here to follow the rest of the instructions for Frontend part

  1. Clone or download & extract this repository to your local machine
  2. Open Command Prompt or Terminal in the downloaded file directory
  3. Type in, "npm i", press Enter and wait till all modules are installed
  4. While still in terminal, type in, "npm run development"
  5. In your web browser, in the URL, type in, "localhost:3000"
  6. That's it! Have fun!

Please Note: This project was created using cloud Database Management services by MongoDB Atlas, hence if are any network issues there may be problems when creating, editing and deleting tasks.
Best Practice is to always wait a few seconds after performing any operation

Project Demo:

Home page:


Adding Task, Editing Task, Deleting Task:


Navigating Between Months and Years:
