
Works on top of a Sinatra or Rails application in order to provide a wide userbase and high amount of social interaction while allowing self-hosting, decentralization and replication of content.

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION



This is a federation framework built on top of Rack. This should work on top of a Sinatra or Rails application in order to provide a wide userbase and high amount of social interaction while allowing self-hosting, decentralization and replication of content. See the Nelumba project for more information.

This project builds off of the afforementioned Nelumba project. The base project is simply immutable structures that are the result of querying a federated service. Therefore, build a server with this, and a client with the base found above.

Database Backends

Currently, Nelumba supports only MongoDB through MongoMapper.


Add the following to your Gemfile:

gem 'rack-nelumba'

Bundle your application:

bundle install

And add the following to your config.ru or within your application:

use Rack::Nelumba


The minimum API that all Nelumba applications will have:

People and the Social Graph

GET /people/:id - The profile for the person with the given id. (HTML)

GET /people/:id/feed - The outbox for activities performed by this person. (Atom/JSON)

POST /people/:id/inbox - The inbox for activities POST'd by those this person follows. (Atom/JSON)

POST /people/:id/direct - The place where activities can be POST'd by those this person does not know. (Atom/JSON)

Low-Level Subscriptions

GET /subscriptions/:id - Retrieves information about the given subscription. (Atom/JSON)


GET /activities/:id - Retrieve the given activity. (Atom/JSON)

PUT /activities/:id - Update the given activity if you are the author. (Atom/JSON)


GET /feeds/:id - Retrieve the given feed. (Atom/JSON)

POST /feeds/:id - Post new content to this feed. (Atom/JSON)


GET /authors/:id - Retrieve the given author. (Atom/JSON)

PUT /authors/:id - Update the given author if you are the owner. (Atom/JSON)

OAuth 1.0

GET /oauth/request_token - Acquire OAuth request token

POST /oauth/authorize - Authorize OAuth request token

GET /oauth/access_token - Turn a request token into an access token