
random python scripts for fun

Primary LanguagePython


Elo Ranking script

After watching The Social Network, I was fascinated by the Elo rating system and made this program to get an in depth knowledge about it. If there are N participants, there are 2*(N choose 2) matches (think home and away) and the winnners are chosen at random. I also used this script with an actual database using Python MySql connector and it worked perfectly.


It's just a basic web scraping script made using Beautiful Soup library. I use it to check availibility of the latest movies

Fake Data Generator

This is related to my Blockchain App project. It's a script I wrote for generating fake data from IoT devices which can be stored in blockchian.

Telegram Reddit Bot

I was spending too much time redditing so made this small script. This script takes data from a subreddit(using praw) and stores it in a list. Then the list items are sent one by one to the Telegram channel I made(the bot is the admim). It can be used for literally anything, from news and jokes to random trivia. You can set it as a cron job and you can get updates from reddit daily without checking it so :)