Traffic Sign Recognition

1. Architecture

This is improved version of my CarND-Traffic-Sign-Classifier-Project. The dataset is the German Traffic Signs as well.

I remodeled the architecture of convolutional neural networks from scratch using simple inception module, which is used in Google's ConvNets.

Based on GoogLeNet, I made the new neural networks architecture as follows:

The new architecture using inception module

2. Result

The hyperparameters I used are:

Name Value Description
mu 0 For initilazing Wights with normal distribution
sigma 0.01 For initilazing Wights with normal distribution
learning_rate 0.0005 For training neural networks
epochs 350 Number of training times
BATCH_SIZE 256 Number of images feeding to the model at one time

After training, the validation accuracy of new architecture is:

The validation accuracy of new architecture

That shows the new convolutional neural networks using inception module improved the max validation accuracy from 97.3% to 98.3%.