
A c++ implementation of https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5 with PyTorch c++ API (LibTorch)

Primary LanguageC++

YOLOv5 with PyTorch c++

A c++ implementation of Ultralytics LLC's YOLOv5 with PyTorch c++ API (LibTorch) inspired by yasenh/libtorch-yolov5.




Docker 19.03 or later with NVIDIA Container Toolkit is recommended to run this code without having troubles related to dependencies' version.

  • Docker 19.03+
  • NVIDIA driver
  • NVIDIA Container Toolkit

How to build

In the host machine, pull a docker image from my DockerHub repository and launch a docker container.

$ git clone https://github.com/hotsuyuki/YOLOv5_PyTorch_cpp.git
$ cd YOLOv5_PyTorch_cpp/
$ docker container run --gpus all --rm -it -v $PWD:/workspace/YOLOv5_PyTorch_cpp hotsuyuki/ubuntu18_04-cuda10_2-cudnn7_6_5-tensorrt7_0_0-opencv4_4_0

Then in the docker container, download LibTorch v1.6.0 and unzip it by running before_build.sh.

# cd /workspace/YOLOv5_PyTorch_cpp/
# sh ./before_build.sh

Finally, build the source code.

# cd /workspace/YOLOv5_PyTorch_cpp/src/
# mkdir build
# cd build/
# cmake ..
# cmake --build .

This command would produce an executable file main in the build directory.

How to run

The executable file main requires at least two arguments:

  • input-dir (directory path to the input images)
  • model-file (file path to the model weights)

(a) Inference on CPU:

# ./main --input-dir ../../input_image/ --model-file ../../model/yolov5s_torchscript_B1-C3-H640-W640_torch1-6-0_cuda10-2_cpu.pt


# ./main ../../input_image/ ../../model/yolov5s_torchscript_B1-C3-H640-W640_torch1-6-0_cuda10-2_cpu.pt

(b) Inference on GPU:

# ./main --input-dir ../../input_image/ --model-file ../../model/yolov5s_torchscript_B1-C3-H640-W640_torch1-6-0_cuda10-2_gpu.pt


# ./main ../../input_image/ ../../model/yolov5s_torchscript_B1-C3-H640-W640_torch1-6-0_cuda10-2_gpu.pt

NOTE: The model file name ends with "_cpu.pt" when using CPU, whereas it ends with "_gpu.pt" when using GPU.

This repository provides two TorchScript model files:

  • yolov5s_torchscript_B1-C3-H640-W640_torch1-6-0_cuda10-2_cpu.pt
  • yolov5s_torchscript_B1-C3-H640-W640_torch1-6-0_cuda10-2_gpu.pt

(Both are exported from ultralytics/yolov5/models/export.py)

The full arguments and options are shown below:

  main [OPTION...] input-dir model-file

positional arguments:
  input-dir   String: Path to input images directory
  model-file  String: Path to TorchScript model file

      --conf-thres arg  Float: Object confidence threshold (default: 0.25)
      --iou-thres arg   Float: IoU threshold for NMS (default: 0.45)
  -h, --help            Print usage

Trouble shooting


Sometimes, the YOLOv5 program becames no responce (or stops with segmentation fault) while loding a TorchScript model using torch::jit::load().



Usually, the TorchScript model can be loaded within a few seconds. If the program keeps loading the model more than a minute, it is recommended to stop the program by Ctrl + c, and rerun it. (This problem does not happen in other TorchScript file, so the root cause might be in the exported TorchScript file.)
