
an accurate game loop for nodejs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

node-gameloop npm version

A game loop designed by timetocode for NodeJS applications. Uses a combination of setTimeout and setImmediate to achieve accurate update ticks with minimal CPU usage.

This repo adds npm module support and an API that allows it to be called from client code.

npm install --save node-gameloop


node-gameloop uses an API very similar to setTimeout/setInterval, returning an ID that can be used to clear the game loop later.

const gameloop = require('node-gameloop');

// start the loop at 30 fps (1000/30ms per frame) and grab its id
let frameCount = 0;
const id = gameloop.setGameLoop(function(delta) {
	// `delta` is the delta time from the last frame
	console.log('Hi there! (frame=%s, delta=%s)', frameCount++, delta);
}, 1000 / 30);

// stop the loop 2 seconds later
setTimeout(function() {
	console.log('2000ms passed, stopping the game loop');
}, 2000);


var gameloop = require('node-gameloop');
Return Function Params Description
number id setGameLoop (function update(delta),
[float targetDeltaMs])
Sets and runs a game loop at a target delta (in milliseconds) [defaults to 30fps]. Runs function update with a parameter delta (time in seconds from last update). Returns the game loop ID used in clearGameLoop
void clearGameLoop (number id) Clears and stops a given game loop. Will cancel the loop immediately and will not wait for current frame to finish.