Pinned Repositories
exp-intro-to-github-flow-cohort-2-classroom-ed7b0d-intro-Series-Intro-to-GitHub-Flow-template-repo created by GitHub Classroom
A simplified Tetris game where the goal is to remove a target token using the fewest moves. Implements A* search with heuristic optimization to find the shortest sequence of actions for the Red player.
A two-player version of Tetress featuring intelligent agents. The program uses iterative deepening minimax with alpha-beta pruning to determine optimal moves for competitive gameplay.
A class timetable management application designed for efficient scheduling
A customized PacMan game built in Java, featuring 3 levels with unique ghost types, power-ups, cheat codes, and a high score system. Includes graphical enhancements like dynamic backgrounds, personalized character designs, and ghost animations.
The open source Solver AI for Java, Python and Kotlin to optimize scheduling and routing. Solve the vehicle routing problem, employee rostering, task assignment, maintenance scheduling and other planning problems.
hotungkhanh's Repositories
A simplified Tetris game where the goal is to remove a target token using the fewest moves. Implements A* search with heuristic optimization to find the shortest sequence of actions for the Red player.
A two-player version of Tetress featuring intelligent agents. The program uses iterative deepening minimax with alpha-beta pruning to determine optimal moves for competitive gameplay.
A class timetable management application designed for efficient scheduling
A customized PacMan game built in Java, featuring 3 levels with unique ghost types, power-ups, cheat codes, and a high score system. Includes graphical enhancements like dynamic backgrounds, personalized character designs, and ghost animations.