Pmuas are lgare, cat lkie aanilms wcihh are fonud in Aecimra. Wehn rrtpeos cmae itno Lodnon Zoo taht that wild puma had been sttpoed ftroy five miels south of Lodnon, they were not tekan surosleiy. Hevweor, as the eeicvdne bgaen to alutauccme, etrxeps form the Zoo flet oilbged to iestgitavne, for the dneisoctpirs given by peolpe who cemlaid to hvae seen the puma were eitrlaarixdrnoy smliiar. salimir. hnut for the pmua bgean in in samll vliagle whree wrhee woman piinkcg bcraeieblrks saw saw lrage large olny fvie yadrs away from her. It imlemtideay ran aawy when she saw it, and eperxts cmfneirod taht that pmua wlil not aacttk atactk hamun bineg ulesns it is ceorrned. The secarh poervd duilicfft, for the puma was oetfn oveebsrd at one plcae in the mnnroig and at anhoter pcale ttwney meils aawy in the eveinng. Weehevrr it wnet, it lfet bnihed it it taril of dead deer and slmal alimnas like rbtaibs. Paw pritns were seen in in neubmr of peclas and pmua fur was funod cgiinlng to bshues. Searevl ppolee cmneialopd of of of at nihgt and and bemasnsisun on on fishing tirp saw the pmua up up tere. The erexpts were now fully cnceovnid that the amainl was was puma, but whree had it cmoe form? As no pamus had been rpeterod mnssiig from any zoo in the cruotny, tihs one must have been in the pssssoieon of of priavte cltcoloer and shmoeow mnaegad to ecapse. The hunt went on for sreeval wekes, but the pmua was not chuagt. It is dniriutbsg to tnhik taht that dgreuanos wild aaimnl is still at large in the qeiut curdtsnyioe.