This package gives you a set of conventions to make the most out of Hotwire in Laravel.
- 4
Fix payload serialization
#115 opened by tonysm - 2
- 0
- 0
Rewrite the bootcamp (now using Reverb)
#143 opened by tonysm - 0
- 0
Update Turbo.js version installed is 8.x
#138 opened by tonysm - 0
Laravel 11 Support
#141 opened by tonysm - 6
Investigate Compatibility with Livewire v3
#118 opened by tonysm - 0
Support partials in a sub-folder
#135 opened by tonysm - 1
Add Turbo Drive Components
#133 opened by tonysm - 2
- 3
Feedback about Bootcamp
#131 opened by kresnasatya - 1
Consider including the Turbo JS vendor file and publish to public/vendor/ so no need to install via NPM (might be something for importmap only)
#130 opened by tonysm - 0
Support for page refreshes & broadcasting
#126 opened by tonysm - 5
- 0
- 0
- 7
Permanent Alpine.js element throws error: Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: i is not a function
#108 opened by alexmandrikdev - 0
Add a `$request->wantsTurboStreams()` plural
#122 opened by tonysm - 0
Add a `$request->wasFromTurboFrame()` macro
#121 opened by tonysm - 0
Use Workbench
#114 opened by tonysm - 2
How to install turbo-laravel ???
#113 opened by alnux - 1
Redirecting to an external link
#111 opened by bilogic - 1
Not working with L10
#107 opened by tebeso - 3
Incorrect redirect after ValidationException?
#104 opened by yttrian - 15
- 5
Broadcasting Turbo Streams with multiple targets misses the targets attribute
#102 opened by davidgut - 1
How to hotwire a UI like admin panel?
#101 opened by bilogic - 1
Destroy resource
#100 opened by Sanes - 0
[RFC] Decouple Broadcasting from Models
#96 opened by tonysm - 2
- 5
Release preparation
#88 opened by tonysm - 5
"return redirect" fully reloads the page
#90 opened by pasindujr - 2
`turbo_stream()` helper
#91 opened by bilogic - 4
- 1
`configureRequestAndResponseMacros()` prevents overriding of `config(['session.files' => '...')`
#81 opened by bilogic - 2
Validation errors visible on second visit
#80 opened by martin-ro - 1
Turbo Add hidden class to All SVG
#78 opened by stevebrainng - 6
Errors When Installing v1.4.0
#76 opened by stevebrainng - 4
Turbo Stream `append(...)` requires a model
#68 opened by bilogic - 0
- 1
- 2
- 2
Handling HTTP 419
#72 opened by bilogic - 2
[ADD] `wantsTurboFrame` for `GET` requests
#69 opened by bilogic - 1
- 5
Select contents of input after clicking on edit
#67 opened by bilogic - 1
Suggestion for an introduction project/tutorial
#64 opened by bilogic - 2
- 1
PWA incompatibility
#65 opened by bilogic