This tool allows you to directly process the data returned by the Linear Road Benchmark data driver in Java. It integrates the provided C-libraries using JNA. This project already contains a native build of these libraries compatible with Linux X64 operating systems.
In order to process the single tuples, you can use the following code snippet:
de.twiechert.linroad.jdriver.DataDriver dataDriver = new de.twiechert.linroad.jdriver.DataDriver()
de.twiechert.linroad.jdriver.DataDriverLibrary.TupleReceivedCallback tupleReceivedCallback = new de.twiechert.linroad.jdriver.DataDriverLibrary.TupleReceivedCallback() {
public void invoke(String tuple) {
String[] array = tuple.split(",");
System.out.println("Received: "+tuple);
System.out.println("Current speed is: "+array[3]); }
dataDriver.getLibrary().startProgram("path to raw file", tupleReceivedCallback);
Whereas the callback is responsible to further process the data (e.g. sending it to stream processing tool). You can include this project as a maven dependency, adding the following to you pom.xml:
You can compile the native libraries for different target platforms. The folder 'linroad-modified' contains a cmake file that allows you to easiliy build.
cmake -H. -Bbuild
cmake --build build -- -j3