
Garcia V , Bruna J . Few-Shot Learning with Graph Neural Networks[J]. ICLR2017.

1 few-shot-gnn-master: The Official Version from

2 dgl-few-shot-gnn: few-shot-gnn-master in DGL Framework

3 few0-shot-gnn-master: Validate the effectiveness of edges between nodes of different classes

Date         Name                         5w-5s            5w-1s           20w-1s           loss           lr

2018/10/9    few-shot-gnn-master          66.5067          49.32                                           0.001

2019/5/14    few-shot-gnn-master          65.0800                                           0.4            0.001

2019/5/17    dgl-few-shot-gnn             65.9733                                           0.4            0.001

2019/5/18    few5-shot-gnn-master         66.6333          51.3733                          0.56           0.001

2019/5/27    few0-shot-gnn-master_full                                     20.7467          1.2            0.01

             few0-shot-gnn-master_1                                        22.1333          1.9            0.01

             few0-shot-gnn-master_2                                        22.2067          1.9            0.01
             few0-shot-gnn-master_3                                        22.1667          1.6            0.01