
History Board back end for the CS2013 Software Engineering Project

Primary LanguageRuby

History Board Backend

This is the repository for the history board backend Rails application.

Ruby version

2.2.0 is specified. You will want to use RVM to manage your Ruby version rather than apt-get or the system version on Mac. RVM works fine on Mac and Linux.
If you're using Windows, a virtual machine runnning Linux is advised as configuring things like RVM can be pretty tricky on Windows.

Getting set up

To get a local copy of this repository you will need to run the following:

$ git clone http://gitlab.scss.tcd.ie/group-project-2015/history-board_backend.git

Once you have Ruby 2.2.0 installed via RVM you will then need the Bundler gem.
To install it run:

$ gem install bundler

For image upload we need Imagemagick. On Ubuntu this can be installed by running:

$ sudo apt-get install libmagickwand-dev

On Mac this can be installed from Homebrew using:

$ brew install imagemagick

Now you can navigate to the project directory and install the necessary gems.

$ cd history-board_backend
$ bundle install --path vendor/bundle

The last step is to set up the database.

$ bundle exec rake db:migrate

Development server

To start running a simple development server run the command

$ bundle exec rails server

Now you can access the server at localhost:3000

Email catcher

To catch user verification emails being sent out you'll need to install mailcatcher and set it running. To install run

$ gem install mailcatcher

To get it to run type

$ mailcatcher

Now if you go to localhost:1080 you'll be able to see the outbound emails that have been caught from the Rails app.

Be aware that using bundler means that bundle exec must go before commands such as rails generate, rails server or rake db:migrate