
Download poster and screenshots from DMM.CO.JP

Primary LanguageC#


Download poster and screenshots from DMM.CO.JP with the given serial NO.

Normally, the format of serial NO. is something like "tek-097". Some characters at the beginning and three number at the end.

But, there are two types of serial NO. in DMM.CO.JP. One is digital video, it replace the "-" with "00", "tek-097" is "tek00097", the link is: http://www.dmm.co.jp/digital/videoa/; The other is DVD, it just replace the "-" in the middle, "juy-705" is "juy705", the link is: http://www.dmm.co.jp/mono/dvd.

This application grab poster and screenshots with given serial NO. First, editing the serial NO. to the right format. Then retrieve the poster and screenshots from the two links above. User can save the poster and screenshots on their PC.

Existing Problem: For some movies, there are some numbers or characters in front of serial NO. For example, "star-964" is "1star00964" or "1star964". So, input serial NO. like "star-964" will not retrieve any data.



番号的形式一般是“tek-097”这样, 前半段数字,后半段字母,中间用“-”或者“ ”(空格)隔开。

在DMM.co.jp上,番号有两种形式。一种是数字下载内容 http://www.dmm.co.jp/digital/videoa/ ,番号的格式是用“00”替代“-”,“tek-097”就变成了“tek00097”. 另一种是DVD http://www.dmm.co.jp/mono/dvd, 番号的格式仅仅是取消了中间的“-”,"juy-705"变成了"juy705"。


存在的问题: 对于有些影片,番号的前面会有一些数字或者字母。例如:“star-964”会变成“1start-964”。 这会导致用户输入“star-964”后,无法得到正确的结果。