
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This tool is a command-line client for the BlackBox API, that can help to integrate Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) into a CI/CD pipeline.


Python version 3.6.2 or above is required to run the tool. The use of virtualenv is recommended.

To install required Python packages, run:

pip install -r requirements.txt



  main.py [OPTIONS]


Usage: main.py [OPTIONS]

  --blackbox-url TEXT
  --blackbox-api-token TEXT       [required]
  --target-url TEXT               Set url of scan target. Do not use with
  --target-file FILENAME          Set filename with target urls. Do not use
                                  with --target-url.
  --group-uuid TEXT               Set group UUID for site
  --ignore-ssl                    Skip verification of BlackBox API host
  --auto-create                   Automatically create a site if a site with
                                  the target URL in the specified group was
                                  not found.
  --previous [wait|stop|fail]     What to do if the target is currently being
  --no-wait                       Do not wait until the started scan is
  --shared-link                   Create shared link for scan.
  --scan-profile TEXT             Set scan profile UUID for new scan
  --auth-profile TEXT             Set authentication profile UUID for site.
                                  For scanning without authentication specify
                                  `RESET` in the option
  --api-schema TEXT               Set API-schema UUID for site. For scanning
                                  without API-schema specify `RESET` in the
  --fail-under-score FLOAT RANGE  Fail with exit code 3 if report scoring is
                                  less than given score (set "1" or do not set
                                  to never fail).  [1<=x<=10]
  --report-dir DIRECTORY          Set directory path for storing the generated
                                  report file. If the option is used, the
                                  report will be saved in the specified
                                  directory. Cannot be used with --no-wait
                                  option. To generate a report the scan must
                                  be finished or stopped.
  --report-template [html|nist|oud4|owasp|owasp_mobile|pcidss|sarif|sans]
                                  Template shortname of the report to be
                                  generated. Specifies file format for report
                                  in --report-dir.
  --report-locale [ru|en]         Localization of the report file to be
                                  generated. Specifies file localization for
                                  report in --report-dir.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


The following environment variables may be used instead of corresponding options:

  • BLACKBOX_URL/--blackbox-url
  • BLACKBOX_API_TOKEN/--blackbox-api-token
  • TARGET_URL/--target-url
  • TARGET_FILE/--target-file
  • IGNORE_SSL/--ignore-ssl
  • SCAN_PROFILE/--scan-profile
  • GROUP_UUID/--group-uuid
  • AUTH_PROFILE/--auth-profile
  • API_SCHEMA/--api-schema


export BLACKBOX_URL=https://bbs.ptsecurity.com/
export BLACKBOX_API_TOKEN=D4OPXw7mXCWjHER0lE48PCr4UkcfD86AwOwnio9I1w3HsOSS3Hxo9xi82hoWOB5deVYMk3kedgh0f9yq
export TARGET_URL=http://staging.example.com/
export GROUP_UUID=ee2e5f90-c9ee-454e-a4db-123463d29851

python main.py --auto-create --previous=stop --report_dir=/path/to/report/dir


When a scan finishes without an error, the tool returns exit code 0 and prints JSON-formatted report to stdout. A report may be passed for processing to a tool such as jq.

Example output for --target-url option (reformatted for readability):

    "target_url": "http://staging.example.com/",
    "url": "https://bbs.ptsecurity.com/sites/ccb7de77-ff51-464d-bf25-7ebcfe0403d6/scans/1",
    "score": 1,
    "sharedLink": "https://bbs.ptsecurity.com/shared/dee4Lyx",
    "report_path": "/path/to/report/dir/20230825_182339_staging_example_com.ru.html",
    "vulns": {
        "issue_groups": [
                "severity": "low",
                "category": "sensitive_data",
                "group_title": "server_software_version_disclosure",
                "vulns": [
                        "url": "http://staging.example.com/"
                        "url": "http://staging.example.com/upload.php"
                "severity": "high",
                "category": "insecure_design",
                "group_title": "fileupload",
                "vulns": [
                        "url": "http://staging.example.com/upload.php"
                "severity": "medium",
                "category": "cryptography",
                "group_title": "no_https_scheme",
                "vulns": [
                        "url": "https://staging.example.com/"
        "error_page_groups": [
                "group_title": "404",
                "category": "tech_info",
                "vulns": [
                        "url": "http://staging.example.com/cgi-bin/"
                "group_title": "501",
                "category": "tech_info",
                "vulns": [
                        "url": "http://staging.example.com/"
        "cve_groups": [
                "category": "cve",
                "group_title": "Apache 2.4.43",
                "vulns": [
                        "cve_id": "CVE-2021-26691",
                        "vector": "(CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H)"
                        "cve_id": "CVE-2020-9490",
                        "vector": "(CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H)"

Example output for --target-file option (with --no-wait option provided and without shared link generation):

        "target_url": "http://first.example.com/",
        "url": "https://bbs.ptsecurity.com/sites/ccb7de77-ff51-464d-bf25-7ebcfe0403d6/scans/1",
        "score": null,
        "sharedLink": null,
        "report_path": null,
        "vulns": null
        "target_url": "http://second.example.com/",
        "url": "https://bbs.ptsecurity.com/sites/cce4cf46-1edf-443c-ae57-5b2abc8703bd/scans/1",
        "score": null,
        "sharedLink": null,
        "report_path": null,
        "vulns": null
        "target_url": "http://third.example.com/",
        "url": "https://bbs.ptsecurity.com/sites/cbb3971e-3a22-40b9-8d43-aceca9bc4b19/scans/1",
        "score": null,
        "sharedLink": null,
        "report_path": null,
        "vulns": null

In case an error occurs, the tool returns non-zero exit code and prints error log messages to stderr:

2021-12-03 13:24:52,517 ERROR [root] BlackBox error: the scan did not succeed, see UI for the error reason: http://bbs.ptsecurity.com/sites/ccb7de77-ff51-464d-bf25-7ebcfe0403d6/scans/1

Bugs and Issues

To report a problem related to the tool, please create a new issue.


For BlackBox terms of use, see BlackBox License.


For the tool licensing terms, see LICENSE file.