
This is a Sparx Enterprise Architecture custom technology package that provides a diagram and components that align with the Salesforce Architecture diagram style.

Salesforce Diagram Technology Package (Sparx EA)

This is a Sparx Enterprise Architecture custom technology package that provides a diagram and components that align with the Salesforce Architecture diagram style.

No Salesforce assets are actually included in this package, you can download icons and other resources from the various Salesforce links at the bottom of the page.

I will be including a BIMP file (GIMP batch automation) that allows you to take the icons you download from Salesforce and generate images that look like the ones in https://www.lightningdesignsystem.com/icons/.

Diagram Types

This MDG file supports the three diagram styles that Salesforce have released.


By default the icons from Salesforce are white with a transparent background. The BIMP file will convert the images to PNG with a coloured background and with rounded corners. The same as they appear on the Salesforce page.

The BIMP BIMP Details page contains details about how to use the BIMP file, or how to create your own.

Some icons though are used with a white circlar background. I've found a fairly simple way to replicated this, though it doesn't support the borders. To create circle style, whilst using the standard images, the MDG file contains three images, a white circle and two versions with borders. These can be used to create the diagram style above.

Salesforce Links