
Add coordattention in MobileNetV2?

cc19860606 opened this issue · 7 comments

I modify the code of MobileNetV2 by adding CoordAttention at line 101, is it right? @Andrew-Qibin

Anyone reproduct the performance of CoordAttention with MobileNetV2 on VOC2007?

houqb commented

Have you pretrained the model on ImageNet?

I firstly test MobileNetV2,the mAP can achieve 71.7. Then, I try to add CoordAttention as shown above, meanwhile the pretrained model of 'mobilenet_v2-b0353104.pth' is not use. The mAP only can achieve 64.

ssdlite-pytorch-mobilenext with CoordAttention need to be trained with ImageNet, then test on VOC?

houqb commented

Exactly. Otherwise, it does not work. Recently, I will release the pretrained models.

I look forward for it, thx.

The ImageNet dataset used for training is ILSVRC2012 or others? And the hyperparameter and code of data augmentation for training?