- 0
How to add CA in YOLOv7?
#50 opened by JunKaiLiao - 1
- 2
- 11
- 3
A Need For MobileNetv3+CA pretrained model?
#25 opened by randomNNN - 0
Would you consider combining CA and SE?
#49 opened by SuperbTUM - 0
could you sahre the pretrained weights of MobileNext+SE and MobileNext+CA with me, sincerely
#48 opened by Newbie-Tom - 2
- 0
Fixed it, can delete this issue
#47 opened by KronbergE - 3
- 4
Does it work in other classic networks such as CSPdarknet or ResNet which are not mobile networks
#13 opened by 15050188022 - 1
pretrain model
#10 opened by GY0913 - 1
#44 opened by MacroFunction - 1
How to apple ca at yolox?
#42 opened by AIgsl - 0
about code bug
#41 opened by 123456789live - 0
#40 opened by xcc19970423 - 1
A Need For Mobilenext+CA pretrained model?
#39 opened by liukangji - 3
TypeError: must be real number, not NoneType
#34 opened by huanmx - 0
Whether the function of the modified code is the same as that of your original code?
#38 opened by Shirugo - 0
Does it work for instance Seg task ?
#37 opened by haideralimughal - 1
How to apply CA at yolov5?
#36 opened by yyyxlj - 0
- 0
Ask advice for CA decoding module ?
#33 opened by haideralimughal - 0
can you provide train code
#32 opened by zytt-dn - 1
- 1
How can I add it In ResNet?
#27 opened by Fateeeeee - 3
Is there a performance improvement for CA
#26 opened by fanghua2021 - 1
About the batchnorm in CoordAttention
#30 opened by hello-trouble - 1
How to establish long-range dependencies?
#28 opened by bbb211985 - 7
Add coordattention in MobileNetV2?
#18 opened by cc19860606 - 3
The two coordinate information graphs are obtained. Does each feature graph have direction and position information, or does one feature graph have direction information and another feature graph have position information?
#29 opened by bbb211985 - 1
Hello, which one represents the location information in the two directions? Which represents channel information?
#24 opened by gongweijun - 1
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why self.relu(x + 3) / 6 ?
#19 opened by Ritian-Li - 2
- 1
any advice for CA attention in GhostNet?
#20 opened by 15050188022 - 4
- 1
- 1
Can the use of CA on networks other than mobile networks improve performance?
#16 opened by bbb211985 - 0
Outside the mobile network
#15 opened by bbb211985 - 0
convert code
#14 opened by zhthing - 2
- 4
A question about the reduction's best choice
#11 opened by woson-L - 7
How to establish channel attention?
#4 opened by lzy-whut - 6
- 0
- 1
How to use CoordAtt in onnx?
#6 opened by githubBingoChen - 0
#2 opened by InvincibleXiao - 1
When would u release code?
#1 opened by TyroneLi