
Music Web Installation

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Jukebox(Music-App) is a music web app using Rdio api for touch screen.

* demos-and-tests: demos and test around this app.
* music-app-rdio: the main directory of music web app.

-------------run the app-----------------------------------
#1. cd to music-app-rdio.
#2. run "npm install" in terminal to install node moudles.
#3. run "node server.js" in terminal.
#4. run "localhost:8888" in your bowser.
#5. follow the process and enjoy the music.

------------ join and edit the playlist---------------------
#1. go to "http://www.rdio.com/".
#2. find "Jukebox" playlist on Rdio.com (http://rd.io/x/Rl4SxkEvz3Jk/).
#3. click "collaborate" on the top right to collaborate with this playlist.
#4. add musics you like into the playlist.