
Authorization header lib

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sessionist Authorization HTTP Header

Build Status

This JavaScript module creates and verifies the Sessionist Authorization HTTP Header.

How to create a valid header

const sessionistHeader = require('sessionistheader');

let myKeyId = '4bc0093d';
let mySecretKey = '3485eac0182ef8123c116fc8392b34e817268e292';
let theHttpMethod = 'PUT';
let theHttpPath = '/api/v1/myservice?cool=very';
let theBodyPayload = '{ "whatever": "is in the body of the http request" }';
let theHttpDate = 'Thu, 06 Oct 2016 22:27:21 GMT';

// myKeyId is an identifier for your secret key.
// mySecretKey is the secret key.
// theHttpMethod is an uppercase string with the method, like "GET" or "POST"
// theHttpPath is the path (including querystring) for the request.
// theBodyPayload is the raw body content of the request.
// theHttpDate is the current time in RFC2616 format.

sessionistHeader(myKeyId, mySecretKey, theHttpMethod, theHttpPath, theBodyPayload, theHttpDate, (err, auth) => {
	// The proper header string is now in the auth variable
	req.setHeader('Authorization', auth);
	req.setHeader('Date', theHttpDate); // Must also be set!

How to use the Promise interface

sessionistHeader(myKeyId, mySecretKey, theHttpMethod, theHttpPath, theBodyPayload, theHttpDate)
.then(auth => req.setHeader('Authorization', auth);

How to verify an Authorization header

const keyfn = (keyid, callback) => {
	// This function should find the corresponding secret key to
	// the given keyid, and then call the callback function, which
	// take two parameters: err and secretkey:
	callback(null, 'the topsecret key');

verify(headerStr, theHttpMethod, theHttpPath, theBodyPayload, theHttpDate, keyfn)
.then(() => {
	// Yes, verified successfully!
.catch(err => {
	// Nope. Not verified.

Some principles regarding the Sessionist Authorization HTTP Header

  • This is a custom RFC2617 Authorization header.
  • The scheme identifier is ss1, where "ss" is short for "Sessionist" and "1" tells this is version 1 of the Sessionist format.
  • Clients should be assigned a "secret key" and a "key id" identifying the secret key. The secret key should be kept secret and only be used for making hashes/checksums. The key id, however, can be sent in clear text in the header.
  • All requests to the server must include a Date: HTTP header with the current time in RFC2616 format. The server should not accept times older/newer than 24h from the current time.

Header format

The Sessionist Authorization HTTP Header is used for both authorization and verifying the body payload (checksum) of API requests.

Format is:

Authorization: ss1 keyid=<keyid>, hash=<hash>, nonce=<nonce>


See more info about the "key id" in the "Principles" section above.


The hash is a SHA-512 HMAC (RFC2104) in lower case hex format, created like this:

HMAC(secret_key, nonce || method || path || payload || date)


  • || means concatination.
  • secret_key is the assigned to the client (and identified by the keyid).
  • nonce is the nonce in binary format (not in hex).
  • method is the HTTP method for the request, in uppercase letters.
  • path is the path of the request (including query string, if there is one).
  • payload is the HTTP body payload.
  • date is the content of the Date: HTTP header, i.e. the current time of the client in RFC2616 format.


A random 512 bit value in lower case hex format. Should be generated on every request using some good random generator.