
Emacs support for Dylan

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


dylan-mode is a major mode for editing Dylan code in emacs. To enable auto-loading of dylan-mode upon loading a .dylan file, add these lines to your .emacs file:

(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/dylan-mode")
(autoload 'dylan-mode "dylan-mode" "Dylan-mode" t)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.dylan\\'" . dylan-mode))


DIME/dswank is part of the release since opendylan-2011.1. It provides interactive development support in emacs. DIME is a fork of SLIME and stands for Dylan Interaction Mode for Emacs.

To enable DIME/dswank add these lines to your .emacs file, changing YYYY.nn as appropriate for your installed release of Open Dylan:

(setq inferior-dylan-program "/opt/opendylan-YYYY.nn/bin/dswank") ; your dswank binary
(require 'dime)
(dime-setup '(dime-dylan dime-repl dime-compiler-notes-tree))

You will also need to set OPEN_DYLAN_USER_REGISTRIES to your source registries so that the compiler can find library dependencies:

export OPEN_DYLAN_USER_REGISTRIES=/path/to/opendylan/sources/registry:/other/registry

In Windows this can be set via the System control panel, and registries must be separated with semicolons instead of colon.


This file may be used to create an emacs TAGS file for Dylan code. See the comment in the file for usage.


This code is distributed under the GNU GPL.

It originates from different sources:
dylan-mode.el is from CMU dylan-optimization-coloring.el from Harlequin dylan-dime.el, dylan-common.el from Dylan Hackers dime.el, dime-repl.el, dime-compiler-notes-tree.el from SLIME