
Use CocoaLumberjack in React Native for Consolidated Log Management

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

React Native Lumberjack

Native CocoaLumberjack Logging Framework for iOS.

Getting Started

Install React Native Lumberjack:

$ yarn add react-native-lumberjack

Then link it to your project:

$ react-native link

Once the project is linked, ensure that you add CocoaLumberjack is integrated into your project already. You can follow the Carthage guide on their docs to add the framework.

Then, set up any loggers at the top of your AppDelegate() file application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: function:

[DDLog addLogger:[DDOSLogger sharedInstance]];

// (opt) log to the system hard drive (with default DDFileLogger log rolling behavior).
DDFileLogger *fileLogger = [[DDFileLogger alloc] init];
[DDLog addLogger:fileLogger];


This lightweight project has a minimal impact on JS modules to utilize the CocoaLumberjack operations. This project exports a Log Builder which allows modules to supply unique names, for convenience purposes.

const Log = require('react-native-lumberjack')('MyApp:ModuleName');

class MyService {
    async performOperation() {
        try {
            // ...
            Log.info('Response from operation')
            // ...
        } catch (err) {
            Log.warn(err, "Unable to perform operation");
            throw err;

Running the Example App

You can run an example project for react-native-lumberjack to see how this project works by launching the examples/ios/RNLumberjack.xcodeproj file.

In Xcode 10, you may see a build failure the first time you build. This is because of React Native's lack of support for the new Xcode build system. After the first build, Xcode will have ran the postinstall script of react-native, which installs and configures the third-party modules, and therefore allows a successful Xcode build with the new build system.


  • This module is currently in initial stages of development, and it not recommended for large-scale use
